Hes sueing his son and threatening him too.

| 27 Sep 2007 | 08:27 AM ET Font size: WASHINGTON (AP) - The son and daughter-in-law of a State Department official are seeking a restraining order to stop what they claim are unprofessional and offensive e-mails in a dispute over a personal loan, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

The State Department's inspector general, Howard J. Krongard, is already under scrutiny from a House committee over whether he hindered inquiries into contractor fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan and mistreated subordinates.

Last year, Krongard sued his son, Kenneth W. Krongard, and his daughter-in-law, Kristin, over a home loan that he said they had defaulted on, the Post reported. Although they repaid the loan, which was $320,000, after the suit was filed, Krongard has demanded hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional interest and penalties as well as legal fees, the newspaper reported.

In Krongard's e-mails included in a recent court filing, the Post reported, he berated his son and at one point said in urging a settlement, "If you are willing to put your wife and children's future in jeopardy, that's your business." Krongard told the Post: "This is a highly personal matter which has nothing whatsoever to do with my professional life. I think it is intrusive and inappropriate for you to publicize it, especially while I am in Iraq trying my best to do my job as a public servant." Kenneth and Kristin Krongard declined to comment, the paper said.