Let's start from the start here. This all started with military personnel just like anyone else questioning the Constitutionality of the election. Can't have that. SO, DoD basically said anyone who questioned the Constitutionality of the election was an extremist and conspiracy theorist and it would not be tolerated. Followed by basically what the HR states. Extremists can be court-martialed, AND if anyone knows of any extremists, to report them. Divide and conquer and sow the seeds of mistrust. Whether the cart is following the horse or vice versa in regard to Pelosi and her paranoid, conspiracy theorists or the political appointees at DoD.

In plain English, "You will think this and that's an order ...". Doesn't matter what the Constitution states. Doesn't matter they are telling people what to think. That's an order and all military personnel will comply. We'll throw in the retirees as well to put a scare into those we can and keep them divided and distrusting as well.

And it works. If anyone would know, it would be me.

Bigger picture wise and speaking of that slippery slope, this constitutes separating the military from the Constitution and placing its loyalty on the institution. Not a "conspiracy theory". Just a distinct possibility in the realm of possibilities.