Originally Posted by
While few can tell exactly what all their motives in purchasing the company are, I'd say it follows a pattern,
They see a market, (created by their products (intentionally or unintentionally))
And they make a move to capture it.
BTW FJ ... THEY KNOW what their products do FJ, they don't have to wait 75 years for data.
Fj, you ask if there's anything wrong with money.
the answer of course is, no.
But the question here is,
is there anything wrong with the way Big Pharma is making their's?
A drug dealer on the corner is just making money. capitalism is good. selling to 6th to 12th graders is a skill, and they are a market. supply and demand.
capitalism is good. don't be angry at the players.
Here's the thing FJ, it's not really about "capitalism" being bad, it's the products, deceptive marketing and crony capitalism.
Big Pharma has a very long track record of corruption. But Starting with the obvious is the fact that the FDA and CDC are revolving doors for Big Pharma executives. Which happens to allow their "former" and "future" companies to get their products approved, and allows them to stifle competition and limit generics, and even stifle TALK about natural remedies.
After that (i've posted elsewhere) there's public knowledge that the testing of new drugs/products is controlled/rigged by Big Pharma. It's not independent or independently verified often. To the point that even the "independent" medical journals where test results are published have been captured $$$.
Add to that of course all the $$$ given to congress for their regulatory "assistance". Just to shepherd along all the "pro business" regs that the Big Pharma lobby "suggest"/writes.
That's not to say that all new drugs are crap, or that all the people that make them are all evil.
But when billions are a stake more than a few people will ignore a few of the rules, cutting corners etc..
and if things work out, great! win win. If not, what you have is what we've seen too often, Big Pharma paying billions in damages and fines for various products... year after year for decades.
Many of those products they knew were crap. But they sold them ANYWAY.
The opioid crisis is exhibit 'A'. Was that all a mistake? many courts have said no. On several levels.
So FJ, Sassy and I are looking at Big Pharma, and Pfizer specifically, in the light of Big Pharma's record of crimes.
And the past 2 years of obfuscation about the vaccines side effects. Obfuscation by Big Pharma (75 years to release data, etc), the FDA & CDC and the "brought to you by Pfizer" MSM and Social Media.
While you may want to give Big Pharma the benny of the doubt and assume benign motives, biz practices and products,
when it comes to me and my family's health, I don't find Big Pharma trustworthy enough to do that.
Not even close.