Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
The fact that you already know that there are exceptions goes to show your logic is faulty
Plus The label "vaccine" doesn't confer any efficacy or safety.
Just because one drug works and is safe doesn't mean all others have the same record.
Each drug stands on it's own.
The human body doesn't give a d@mn what label is on the package.
Actually no. I'm well aware of vaccine horror stories but they're generally on initial roll out and not on the long term safety and effectiveness. Long-term problems do not tend to show up years after roll out.

Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
"doesn't speak to the vaccines." ? really?
so the fact that when there was NO vaccine their were LESS Covid deaths, and with Vaccines there are MORE Covid Death...
means nothing.
We aren't supposed to draw any conclusions from that as to the vaccines efficacy?

We are to ,by default, attribute MORE deaths FROM covid to other factors than a crap vaccine? And give the vaccines the benny of the doubt?
Correct. Unless one is to think that vaccines are magic they can't protect those who don't get it if the virus continues to spread. You don't want to draw conclusions from the outcomes of those who are vaccinated vs those who are not vaccinated. You're bound and determined to focus solely on a VAERS type list of horror stories without taking into account the whole picture. Does VAERS contain actual adverse effects of the vaccine? Undoubtedly. Does VAERS contain listings of supposed adverse effects that are not related to the vaccine? Undoubtedly.

Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
Then your opinions and conclusions are far less informed than they could be on the matters here that you are trying to correct/influence others about.
Incorrect. Most videos I've gotten suckered into watching are rehashes of links that I've gotten suckered into reading. At least with reading I can move through it much faster and quickly identify and quote something that isn't correct so whoever linked me to it will know where my disagreement lies. If you can't link me to a text version then it's not worth the time.