Where the author appears to be going is further than I'm willing to. That said, the main point here is good, and I agree. I've seen some things done recently by some that are just stupid.
First and foremost: Why is it Ukranians fleeing Ukraine can cross the Southern US Border but Russians fleeing Russia cannot? Seems to me they're both fleeing the same damned fool with a gun.
Pouring Russian vodka down the drainFYI, most vodka with Russian-sounding names is not Russian. Russia itself exports one major brand of vodka, and 1 or 2 lesser brands.
Wartime embargoes are just how it goes. Sucks to have a shitty leader. We of all people should understand THAT.
Have we learned nothing from locking up every Japanese-American after Pearl Harbor? Not every Russian is Putin. Given the free and fair election in Russia, he's probably not the majority's choice.