A good read. This guy definitely jumped in blindly, and there are lots like him.
You can expect roughly 10 years service from the batteries. Sometimes more, sometimes a lot less. I had a nice set that lasted less than 2 years because a solar panel malfunctioned and discharged them during the winter and they froze and cracked the cases. Think that set was ~$2500 or so.
The solar panels are improving at a dramatic rate, kind of at the same rate we see laptops & computers improving, so in my mind, upgrading those every few years is a good thing. You don't HAVE to upgrade, I've seen 20 year old panels doing their thing but nothing like the new tech puts out.
Then all the components are also improving, and it's up to you as to if you want the new & improved stuff - but with the author's case, the charge controller is a big deal, a crucial component and pricey.
I wouldn't bother doing a solar plant at my house in town just because everything is changing so fast, and most importantly, the battery tech is not there yet. I think they will be soon... maybe in 10 years, but not yet. Lithium is not the answer.
I do DC stuff at the cabin out of necessity, and I knew full well that it was a large ongoing financial commitment to be able to flip a switch and have lights & power off-grid. These are not systems you can just install and forget about.
And yeah, he's absolutely right about your electric utility hating all these small solar plants backfeeding into the grid. It's a real pain in the ass for them, but the Government is ramming it down their throats and they are forced to deal with it.
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