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Not that I really stopped, but after the quit smoking, I need to lose about 10lbs. So, last night I made Mediterranean Chicken and also Beef and Broccoli for work dinners. Prepped a bunch of veggies for snacks and easy prepping. Fruits and nuts stashed.

Smokes have gone up from $22 for 4 packs to $28 for 4 packs. I'm probably going to have to put some effort into quitting.
I started cooking again this week so I didn't drop off the planet. That flu I had killed any appetite I had for anything I normally eat. If I don't eat meat my weight drops drastically and rapidly. And btw, the price for 2 steaks has gone up about $5.
I mention price referencing your thread on gas. It isn't one big, hit you in the face increase in price. It's mostly the price of essentials that has risen across the board and it adds up quickly. The price of "luxury" items has remained about the same or maybe a little higher. Hot Wheels cars went up a dime each.
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke