Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
Just so I'm clear

Are you saying that the FDA is NOT corrupt.
And there are NO corrupt laws or law creation around that Big Pharma.
And NO laws that are protectionist for Big Pharma.
And NO protectionist bureaucratic regulations and regulators.
And that the revolving door from to FDA & Dept of Ag into well paid big pharma post is NOT corrupt.

that there's nothing legally wrong with any of that therefore it's NOT corrupt.
And that's the FACT in you mind?
What I'm saying is that a huge governmental, bureaucratic organization has every level of incompetence that can be expected in that scenario (see Gunny's FDA link). Do you want to know why the FDA might suck? Look at the laws that regulate it, and yes some of them are even constitutional. There's a difference between a corrupt organization, corrupt regulators, and just bad laws and regulations.