Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
I don't think it lacks moral responsibility. I think it is important to identify what the problems are before a solution can be made. To harp on and on that it's a corrupt organization when 99% of those who might care know that the organization is not corrupt. At that point all you've accomplished is ginning up some rage by a select few people. If you instead say these laws are bad and lead to bad outcomes because of A, B, and C like opioids, allowing more widespread usage of experimental drugs for terminal patients, etc. I think you've got a much better shot at a bipartisan solution to the underlying problems; because it's going to take bipartisan solutions to get anything passed.

And I'm not saying that at all. If someone wants to point out that the FDA has problems and might lean towards the corporate over the individual then I probably wont' have much disagreement but hair-on-fire is not the path forward in my estimation. I probably won't disagree if you want to say that the FDA has lost in way in some respects.
I don't have any hair to catch fire

As I stated previously, the FDA's incompetence caught my attention over nutrition, not drugs. I don't find pharmaceutical company kickbacks to corrupt officials a far stretch either.

Either way, I consider it just another alphabet agency that doesn't do what it is supposed to because it's too busy meddling in what I use for shaving cream.