Just fact. It is however a marriage of convenience, just as the one-time enemy of the government, the MSM, is now its bedfellow. Or the "pro-union" Democrats who for some reason still have a single union voter when the Dems are the ones that turned our industrial heartland in the Upper Midwest into a ghost town.
All too easy to do with a people that refuse to think for themselves. All too easy to do for a lazy, one-way people that want all the rewards of risk, but none of the risk associated with it. One cannot win and get ahead without the opposing risk of losing. The latter is inherent to the former. It's simple math, literally. And unrealistic.
Not a lot of options. Freedom of choice, or slavery to a government that tells you what to think. Seems to me most on the left and more than half the right want government to tell them what to think and come powder their asses when they have a rash. Even when common sense is screaming "NO!" at you.
In regard to the OP/something to ponder: If that container in your hand is full of some (name your poison) "stuff", yet has ZERO calories, just what is it exactly you are putting into your body? A conglomeration of chemicals that somehow form substance and taste. Yum
Capitalism is a system. It's as good or bad as the unscrupulous people using it. Same as government. Our government doesn't even resemble what's in the Constitution. Corporations are supposed to turn profits. They have a responsibility to shareholders. I won't argue that in the country of excess they tend to be excessive. The government, on the other hand, is not supposed to be any of that.
I believe in choice. I do not see where the American people as a whole anymore have earned and/or deserve such freedom when they have been so willing to give it away to a self-interested, self-serving government and current events support every word of that.
I don't care who eats junk food and can slam down a Coke, Doritos and Hershey's chocolate as fast as the next guy (pretty much my limit on junk food right there

). It's not about what it is. It's about the freedom to educate myself on what I am putting into the machine's fuel intake without government/corporate subterfuge. Yes, the corporations and government are self-serving and greedy and willing to sell you a pig in a poke if you're standing their jingling coin in their eyes.
It is IMO incumbent on people to understand that and step outside their little government-approved boxes and do their own research at their lazy ass's time and expense.
Or you can just read what's listed on the bag never knowing what half the shit is and stuff your face to your little heart's content