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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Excellent post. Problem identified. Any particular way you intend to solve this problem? Which global organization that you don't support do you propose to use to solve this issue? That is the first thing you have to have, along with the support of all the governments in the World. Or do you suggest the US go cowboying off again into whichever foreign country it chooses after targets it chooses, regardless borders, laws and whatnot?

    And yes, I am using your own arguments against you.

    Then there's the fact that outside the Western World, pedophilia is just a word, and its age limits rather new compared to World history. I know for a fact Africa, the ME and/or Asia have completely different views on females and children. They don't care what we think is right or wrong.

    Just to be clear, I'm for killing anyone for harming a child. But you are asking our spineless government to dictate to the World a World standard? Problem with that is who is going to investigate our government? DoJ?
    IF our domestic judiciary just didn't cover for pedos that would go a long way.

    We don't need a new global organization, hence you have no infantile questionable gotcha.

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    And other orgs that help down the line from that kind of work.

    Also how about starting at home cleaning our own house?
    Epstein was American, Maxwell and ---were guessing here because the FBI hasn't brought cases--- that their "clients" were mostly Americans.

    The NSA FBI & CIA And other agencies are unconstitutionally monitoring/recording EVERYTHING ONLINE, PHONE & SNAIL MAIL inside the U.S. -- & coming into and going out of the country--
    But somehow the problem of online childp0rn and trafficking has increased.

    U.S. law enforcement knows of the international hotspots for sex travel AND knows every U.S. man, woman, child's international travel destinations world wide via passports. Which have been in place even before homeland security and the useless unconstitutional TSA.

    The U.S. boarder has let in 10s of thousands of undocumented minors who have disappeared into the country.
    And according to gov't whistle blower reports it's WELL KNOWN that some of the groups taking in minors from U.S. Immigration Control are scumbags.

    I'm sure there are many other things that could be done.
    Many real world things to be done without ever leaving U.S. jurisdiction that could put a major dent in the horror show.
    And by those things setting an example of ways to handle it and being a moral example for those parts of the world that don't hold to the same standards.

    As a "world leader" I've got no problem with U.S. shaming other nations on this issue. We've got satellites, spies & military everywhere in the world. Would it be hard to expose publicly around the world other nations horror shows on this issue?
    And promote other nations successes?
    Not every international problem has to be dealt with by a guns or even sanctions.
    Also, Somehow we managed to legally cooperate with countries world wide on catching "terrorist" & getting info, convictions & cooperation on drugs cartels world wide... when we've wanted too. Is that so hard with this issue?

    There are no perfect or universal solutions. (until Jesus returns) but there's plenty of room for mitigation.
    No one can keep all the flies, roaches or mice out of their home, but there's plenty that can be done to make it FAR less likely.
    Helps if all the neighbors do the similar, but bottom line their homes are not ours.
    I agree. Been trying to hammer it into your thick skull for quite some time. Clean our own house first. It would not be impossible, but given current events, highly improbable.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by gunny
    Been trying to hammer it into your thick skull for quite some time.
    Allriiighty Gunny... ookkk

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I agree. ... Clean our own house first. It would not be impossible, but given current events, highly improbable.
    yes, and sadly seems that way.
    And like AHZ said
    Quote Originally Posted by AHZ
    IF our domestic judiciary just didn't cover for pedos that would go a long way.
    Good news is people are starting to see the problem better so the corruption can stop hiding in plane sight so easily.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Did anyone here know that retired Navy Seals and other law enforcement personnel that were protecting people during the production of SOF rescued 200 children during production. Just a little side mission while they were there.
    Last edited by SassyLady; 07-17-2023 at 01:34 PM.
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