Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
I still think that a ton of these kids that start to make claims of such, are more impressionable and are entering the arena for attention, to be like others and other reasons - but at the end of the day, and when these folks grow up, they do not want this and those who went through with it regret it.

The whole social media thing doesn't help matters. Schools are partly to blame IMO, a large part. Anyone demanding we do this or that for such kids are to blame. Folks leading kids and/or giving them hormonal drugs behind their parents backs...

This is something that should be SOLELY in the family and from home. Parents should ALWAYS be involved if the child is not of age. And IMO no one should ever get any drugs or changes until they are adults. And even then - with certified doctors approval.
Love the mentality. While pointing a finger, most of us did it too. You "old people" (our 20s-30s years old parents) don't know shit and you're uncool. I on the other hand am an individual, unlike y'all, and I prove it by doing and dressing just like everyone else my age

I've pretty much pinpointed the point of uncoolness comes with the declaration "It's a boy/girl" by the doctor. Suddenly everything is a threat to your child and how can I keep society away from her.