Quote Originally Posted by stang56k View Post
I'm in the Air Force, and do maintenances on the C-5 galaxy which transports the necessary tools, weapons and equipment to sustain the war. I have not been in combat directly but indirectly involved. So its a matter of perspective on the issue of involvement I have so go ahead and bash me for not being a grunt on the front lines actually doing the killing. I see my self as the Drug Dealer that supplies the substance to someone yet not directly destroying myself per say if you get my crummy analogy.

But all that aside when i joined the military the first part of the oath is protect the constitution that I cherish dearly, and I will do so to the death. So questioning a few politicians with their actions, motives, and antics doesn't seem as unpatriotic in the least, when they flirt with stepping on and undermining the constitution(which is more valuable and precious than any fuckin politician could ever think about being).
I guess when your enlistment is up you'll be getting out then.

So you haven't killed anybody, either directly or indirectly. But your quick to paint all the troops as baby killers when you haven't experienced anything for yourself. A regular john kerry you are.

I don't bash anyone for doing their job in the military. Everyone doing their job is what makes it all work. But referring to yourself as a baby killer because you load supplies to the troops on the line is really low. I can respect your service, but I don't respect you. When you salute an officer you salute the rank not the man.

You know nothing about air traffic control, you know nothing about NORAD, you know nothing about building architectures, you know nothing about the training the hijackers had to take over and fly the planes they hijacked, you know nothing about explosives and detonators, you know nothing about the procedures that were in place at the time for the pilots of hijacked planes. Yet your quick to jump on the conspiracy band wagon just because a few people claim to be experts and say it was an inside job.

I can add you know nothing about combat, you know nothing about baghdad or iraq except what you hear on the news, you know nothing about saddam or any of the goings on leading up to the war. In fact you know very little about anything.

I'll give you some facts. There were WMD materials found in iraq. Labs for making them and shells ready for them to be put into. The stuff was there and ready to start production which could have been completed in a couple of months. The last convoy of trucks into syria was allowed to leave. Our forces weren't to fire on them, why not? My guess is it contained all the russian advisor's that had been working for saddam. The completed WMD's went into syria. If Bush lied to get us into a war why didn't he plant WMD's in iraq? It would have been easy to do.