Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
You brought it up @icansayit Time to sound like an old timer:

If these crying pups (reservists being called to active duty after 9/11 saying I didn't sign up for this come to mind) living in their 2 man condos eating at chow halls with menus ever saw a quonset hut and or chow line where you just held out your tray and took what got slopped onto it (hopefully not splattering on your uniform before formation) they still wouldn't have shit to cry about.

F*ck. During Desert Storm we got 2 (count them) MRE's a day and some unidentified liquid they claimed was water and it was 120 every day in the un-air conditioned desert. We all made height and weight standards next weigh-in, that's for damned sure

And that ultimate POS Loser Austin is pansying their asses right up to get them killed. Cuz nobody gives a shit what your particular personal problem is on the line.

This is the command's failure, but you can't tell me these knuckleheads that know how to make hooch from sugar and bread can't figure out a way to get fed?
I remember many times, even while at anchor, or at sea in the Persian Gulf. C-RATS were the delicious meals during G-Q. And when we were
lucky...Two slices of bread with a slab of Some kind of so-called meat came with a can of Tab, or Coke...to last all day.
The wussies of today have no idea what they are doing, or how really lucky they are with the Air conditioning, and Treats to keep them happy.