ANew Poem Composed From A Delicious Dream Last Night
As Morn Ate Its Way, Far Away From Peals Of Darken Night
She a rare beauty aplomb with glaze of a gleaming new sun
Bikini clad on the beach dancing and having such fun
Or out on a date dressed to desire and awestrike
I marvel that she could me truly ever love or like
Surely Heaven sent to rescue the sad, downtrodden me
I walked up asking out thinking surely she would flee
Her hair so luxurious and those long tan legs so fine
Suddenly I felt like a king, with pretty queen all mine.
As morn ate its way, far away from peals of darken night
I woke to her laying there, first ever Heavenly sight
Her there fully naked and hugging up those silken sheets
A kind of sweet joy came that nothing since has ever beat!
Was it just a daring dream and far too soon I would wake.
O' Lord please let it be real, cause just a dream, I can't take!
Robert J. Lndley, Sonnet
Jan. 12th, 1977
Note: Well, damn it was just a dream. But as such it makes
great fodder for a poet to ink something.
"" To rise in the soft morning pen and paper splash
Ponder delicious memories greater than cash
Still taste precious lips feel her sexual hug
To spend the fiery night, both together so tightly snug. ""
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Say Are You Off To San Antonio, Just Asking
I watched the rising dawn, its beams thus asking
I woke, with a sadden yawn, life so damn tasking
Morn spoke softly, with its dew and hearty blather
Say are you off to San Antonio, just asking?
Morn spoke to me, are you the true heartache maker
I shot back, fiddler on the roof was once my trade
I was born religious, but I aren't a damn quaker
I hunt, know every inch of the Everglades.
Say are you off to San Antonio, just asking?
With my fever, my anger I broke the green bough
This heart, its dreaming fought many battles fiercely
I run the widow's farm, rise early, milk her cows
A man of my word, I take my truth seriously!
Crush I vulture's eggs, do not worry about how.
Fight I for glory and fun, where do we go now?
Say are you off to San Antonio, just asking?
Robert J. Lindley, Rhyme
Oct 24th, 1974
When the ancient owl told me to wake and write
I opened these snakes eyes to better life see
Shadows were fleeing the razor sharp edge of night
My God, the mounting pressure, I got to go pee.
fragment, do later...
Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 08-28-2023 at 03:26 PM.
18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.