Extinction is fast approaching for you all. It is interesting how nobody cares. To start out, every single day around 137 plant, animal or insect species goes extinct. Though I have also heard it said that each year 50,000 of them do. Also, in the Amazon Rain Forest alone each day around 200,000 acres are burned. Another point is that in the past 50 years, global wildlife has dropped by 69%. Also, there are just too many people on the planet. And each day there are about 228,000 more. We are consuming around 175% more than the Earth can regenerate. And for everybody on the planet to be living the kind of lifestyle that we do in the U.S., we would need at least another three and a half Earths to supply the raw materials.

Here is where the matter starts getting really bad. Just imagine a scenario where people high up in the government knew that doom was imminent, but decided to keep that information from the American public in order to avert mass panic and chaos. Well that is what I think is going on right now. And the culprit is human caused global warming. Sure, you have heard of that. But it is being kept from the public how bad things really are. And demented fools like Trump doesn't think it even exists.

I saw a couple PBS documentaries on the subject. They talked about "reinforcing feedback loops" in what was going on. But from what I remember, they never said what that really means. It means that the warmer things get, the faster they will get even warmer. Which is much faster than just a mere exponential doubling over an ever shorter time frame. Though I did see one scientist on a TV show who spoke the truth on the matter. He was one of the people Bill Nye spoke to in the program called "Global Meltdown." The scientist used to be a university professor. He had been studying the problem for about 15 years. What he discovered was bad enough for him to quit his tenured professorship and start preparing for doomsday. Which he figured could happen in as little as 20 years. On the news when they speak of the problem, they like to talk about what ocean levels will be like in the year 2100. But I think that if any of you are planning on living past the year 2050, make other plans.

The main reason for why this scientist decided what he did was because of methane release. And methane is at least 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. I will show you a graph of methane release. Like graphs speaking of CO2 release, (which I will also show) it is rising sharply. An interesting thing about the methane graph is that about 60% of what is shown comes directly from human activity. That is despite all the thawing tundra and evaporating methane hydrate ice on the sea floor. Here are the graphs.


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