Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
Here's the thing, It really Seems like youre PROMOTING the idea that "the government think for them and molly coddle them cradle to grave".
And If i question the gov't you act as if i'm in the wrong somehow.
If I agree with something the gov't does you ask why I don't let them do everything.
Or say I'm inconsistent.

You wanted everyone to follow the gov't rules with covd gunny. the gov't lied to us, and we all suffered yes.
All I'm asking is why you keep running behind me when I question the gov't for GOOD REASON.

youre not here pointing out "irresponsible people's" actions or votes.
Youre here making comments about my post talking about a treatments for cancer and the gov't's & Big Pharma's Slow to No movement.

Now telling me that mine is a "losing argument"?

I'm just trying to help point us all to some light against a horrible disease, and pointing out LIKELY big biz and gov't corruption AND/OR incompetence.
And the Gov'ts and Big Pharm's long HISTORY OF THE SAME.

Your argument shouldn't be with me.

If folks want to nit-pick the details of the facts fine. OK.
But I'm not sure why you think pointing out "irresponsible people's" actions in gov't and Big Biz is a losing move.
Seems like that's a fight WORTH fighting to me.

I'd really prefer your help. If you had some better strategy to move to a better place I'm open. please show the right WAY to WIN.
In the midst of the "irresponsible people" that have been around since day 6.
Been waiting for this one. I run from nothing. Certainly not you. Definitely not your arguments. Just because you believe them correct doesn not mean everyone else does.

I have to pick and choose my battles based on time. I also choose them based on worthiness. I am remarkably (and boringly) consistent. When I don't have time, I just let it go. Not once, in all these years has any amount of fact, logic, common sense changed your point of view.

Then there's that part where I prefer to walk away at times rather than push the insults too far.

Perhaps you need to adjust your filter a tad? Pointing out what I believe is the reason/reasons doesn't always mean I disagree.

But please tell me where I am incorrect:

Are the People responsible for government?

Are the citizens of the US responsible for those who represent us in government?

Are people who abuse pharmaceuticals responsible for abusing them? And don't blame the companies. I agree they are complicit enablers, but they don't hold anyone down and make them say ahhh. Personal responsibility and personal choice. If we possess those freedoms, there are those who abuse them, those that cry to the government to do something, and a heavy-handed government more than willing to justify its existence by doing something. Regulation imposes on freedom.

That is really as simple as it gets.