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People are weird when they dress to get attention and piss and moan if the attention isn't from who they want.
Saw this one video (within a video pointing out the "stupid") of a girl having a meltdown in her phone video over some guy in the background she claimed was "perving on her" and threatening to just leave (which she didn't).
Why is it again you brought a camera, tripod, and are wearing a skin tight compression outfit? One thing she DID prove was the guy in the background barely glanced at her.
As usual, it's amazing what youtube will throw at you if you click on "gym equipment" or "this or that" workout. You get the tiktokkers railing, and the tiktockers roasting the railers
I didn't like commercial gyms BEFORE all this fashion show nonsense. That's not even getting into those with no understanding of biomechanics.
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke