by Full Measure Staff
Sun, April 7th 2024 at 9:30 AMFor whatever reason, America’s health officials haven’t seemed publicly interested in answering a crucial question: How many illnesses and deaths can be attributed to COVID versus the vaccines or some combination? Today, we look at shocking and graphic evidence that independent researchers are trying to make sense of, in the absence of helpful guidance from the usual authorities: a mysterious fibrous material being discovered in the veins and arteries of the dead. A caution: some of the images in our report are graphic.
Richard Hirschman is an embalmer who has been investigating disturbing evidence left by the dead: mysterious clots appearing in cadavers around the world.
Richard Hirschman: Well, the very first photograph I took was in September of 2021.
Sharyl: What does that first photograph show?
Hirschman: That first photograph shows a very, very large, white, fibrous-looking clot that was literally about the length of the individual's leg itself. Clots are one of the things we run into sometimes in embalming. We're used to that. But these clots are totally different.
To his surprise, the strange, long, fibrous clots started turning up in more and more bodies that Hirschman examined — all of them after COVID and the vaccines hit the market.
Sharyl: What types of people are you getting these clots from?
Hirschman: Yes, that's a great question, because the majority of the ones that I'm seeing a lot of these clots in are older people, but it doesn't mean it's exclusive to the older people. The first person that I took a picture of was only in their mid-fifties. So it's not necessarily grandma or grandpa. And I've seen them in people as young as 20. So it seems it's worse in the elderly, but it's not exclusive to the elderly.
Hirschman wasn’t alone in his observations. He began connecting with embalmers and funeral directors in Canada, the UK, and New Zealand, who were reporting the same disturbing phenomenon.
Sharyl: Can you estimate about how many other embalmers or people in the same line of work you've personally had contact with who've described something similar?
Hirschman: Everyone that I've had personal contact with are seeing them.
Sharyl: Why is this so remarkable in your opinion?
Hirschman: The most remarkable thing that — the blood has changed. That I — obviously, I can see. The most alarming is this white fibrous structure. This material that looks — it's hard to describe. It almost looks like calamari or like spaghetti or, you know, some kind of a — it's not blood. It's not blood. All of the people that I've spoken to — and I know about four of them that have over 50 years of experience — had never seen these things until recently....
Sharyl: Why is this so remarkable in your opinion?
Hirschman: The most remarkable thing that — the blood has changed. That I — obviously, I can see. The most alarming is this white fibrous structure. This material that looks — it's hard to describe. It almost looks like calamari or like spaghetti or, you know, some kind of a — it's not blood. It's not blood. All of the people that I've spoken to — and I know about four of them that have over 50 years of experience — had never seen these things until recently.
Though some embalmers say they tried reporting to their official professional bodies, they say nobody in government or public health seemed interested in tracking and getting to the bottom of it. Former Air Force major Tom Haviland became interested and started attempting to document and quantify the cases.
Sharyl: Tell me a little bit more about the information you've tried to gather and what you learned.
Tom Haviland: So I decided to do a survey. It started out to be a nationwide survey in the United States, and I expanded it to Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand, and asked basic questions. We asked embalmers, what are you seeing? Are you seeing these white, fibrous clots? When did you start seeing them? Where are you finding them on the body? And then how much and what percentage of your corpses are you seeing these white fibrous clots?
Haviland surveyed over 200 embalmers. He says 73% reported seeing the white fibrous clots. They reported seeing them in about one in five corpses in 2023. None reported seeing any such anomalies prior to the COVID pandemic and the beginning of mass vaccinations....
The FDA did offer a response to Full Measure, stating, "The FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) place a high priority on vaccine safety and are committed to our vaccine safety monitoring program. The FDA has not identified any safety signals for fibrous blood clots with COVID-19 vaccines.
They also stated that since the observations were made on cadavers, it "falls outside of the FDA’s regulatory purview."
Sharyl Attkisson is a nonpartisan investigative journalist, five-time Emmy Award winner, and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting. She is the NYT bestselling author of Slanted: How the news media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism; The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think and How You Vote, and Stonewalled. She is host, investigative reporter, and managing editor of the Sunday morning national TV news program, Sinclair’s “Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson,” which feeds to 43+ million US households each week and focuses on investigative and accountability reporting.
For thirty years, Attkisson was a correspondent and anchor at CBS News, PBS, CNN and in local news.
In 2013, she received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for her reporting on :The Business of Congress,” which included an undercover investigation into fundraising by Republican freshmen. She received two other Emmy nominations in 2013 for “Benghazi: Dying for Security” and “Green Energy Going Red.” Additionally, Attkisson received a 2013 Daytime Emmy Award as part of the CBS Sunday Morning team’s entry for Outstanding Morning Program for her report: “Washington Lobbying: K-Street Behind Closed Doors.”