Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
It seems to me that thanks to the Trump lawfare, moderate Ds are beginning to notice the pattern and don't like it. That question and answers are beginning to appear in polling. That it's even being asked points to the notice being given.
It's rather obvious he's being raked over the coals for things that anyone else gets away with. The State of NY is just trying to take all his money. No doubt the Dem institution is behind it. So far, they've nailed him for what amounts to being a salesman and currently working on paying a hooker to keep her mouth shut.

Smith needs to wipe the rabid drool off his mouth. While I agree with punishment for breaking the law where classified docs are concerned, this is another where they're trying to cut his throat for what the same DOJ let others walk on. NOT equal justice. Haven't heard a word about fixing what appears to be a gross violation of the law by many.

The part these nitwits aren't getting is they have created a martyr and people are buying it.