Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
He had written an awesome post that I read yesterday about his Kitty. Very touching and easy to relate to as another animal lover. I hope he has it saved somewhere and will be willing to share again, if he re-registers.
It was re-submitted, some time ago, and I received some wonderful, encouraging responses.

I apologize for not responding to your post, but somehow missed it.

A member yesterday, sent me a P.M. letting me know that I needed to respond to your question/topic or post authored by you, and directed towards me some time ago.
You know, I might have read this post by you, and just plain responded by re-submitting the "Goodbye Happy Kitty" thread in response to it, and just figured you would see it back in the animal topics, and that would suffice.

Apparently one member saw your thread, and thought I needed to respond to your post from some time ago, when the forum was just starting-up. I think that was when we all had our threads wiped-out and we all had to re-submitt topics again.

Anyway, Jimny C., I've fullfilled my obligation to the P.M.'er that was concerned, and thank you for your interest and concern about my thread disappearing back then.

I should have answered you post, but didn't, and I apologize again.