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    Default Weather Manipulation

    A whistleblower that used to work for Raytheon at South Pole. Has testified to Congress about DEW (directed energy weapons).
    If the freedom of speech is taken away
    then dumb and silent we may be led,
    like sheep to the slaughter.

    George Washington (1732-1799) First President of the USA.

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    FYI what the consensus science acknowledges.
    Review Article
    Published: 05 December 2023
    The physical mechanisms of induced earthquakes
    the human Induced Earthquake database
    Global review of human-induced earthquakes
    Earthquakes could be triggered by sound waves that ‘fluidize’ faults
    22 Sep 2015
    Sound Waves Can Trigger Earthquake Aftershocks
    Date: January 3, 2008
    Source: DOE/Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Using a novel device that simulates earthquakes in a laboratory setting, scientists have shown that seismic waves -- the sounds radiated from earthquakes -- can induce earthquake aftershocks, often long after a quake has subsided.

    the following link needs scrutiny but ....
    Mr Casey Ray McMahon, B.Sci (Hons).
    Version: 18th December, 2011 – 20th December, 2011 Page: 1 of 4
    Earthquakes- detecting them and causing them with microwaves.

    ...To begin, I must mention that there is a direct connection between Earthquakes and microwaves- not the conventional microwave oven, but the actual energy form known as microwaves. Maeda, T. et al (2007) states that “It was experimentally shown that rock crash by static pressure caused radio wave emissions at 300MHz, 2GHz and 22GHz. This result suggests that this microwave is emitted in the result of Earthquakes”. Takano,T. et al (2008) states that “ Microwaves could be used to detect Earthquakes and volcanic activities”. A paper by Zhongyin Xu, et al (2010) states that “Scholars have found microwave radiation anomaly appearing before Earthquake” and “The experimental results showed that microwave emission energy changed along with the change of stress (in granite rock). The microwave emission energy varied little in the beginning loading stage, increased in the elastic loading stage, decreased in the plastic loading stage, and increased again in the fracturing stage”. From this and other data, Zhongyin Xu, et al (2010) states that “These experiment results indicated that it was possible to use the microwave remote sensing for monitoring the stress variation and fracturing of rock masses, including Earthquakes”....
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    The South pole Station that the Rumble interviewee talks about

    IceCube, the South Pole neutrino observatory, is a cubic-kilometer particle detector made of Antarctic ice and located near the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. It is buried beneath the surface, extending to a depth of about 2,500 meters. A surface array, IceTop, and a denser inner subdetector, DeepCore, significantly enhance the capabilities of the observatory, making it a multipurpose facility.

    IceCube is the first gigaton neutrino detector ever built and was primarily designed to observe neutrinos from the most violent astrophysical sources in our universe. Neutrinos, almost massless particles with no electric charge, can travel from their sources to Earth with essentially no attenuation and no deflection by magnetic fields.

    The in-ice component of IceCube consists of 5,160 digital optical modules (DOMs), each with a ten-inch photomultiplier tube and associated electronics. The DOMs are attached to vertical “strings,” frozen into 86 boreholes, and arrayed over a cubic kilometer from 1,450 meters to 2,450 meters depth. The strings are deployed on a hexagonal grid with 125 meters spacing and hold 60 DOMs each. The vertical separation of the DOMs is 17 meters.

    Eight of these strings at the center of the array were deployed more compactly, with a horizontal separation of about 70 meters and a vertical DOM spacing of 7 meters. This denser configuration forms the DeepCore subdetector, which lowers the neutrino energy threshold to about 10 GeV, creating the opportunity to study neutrino oscillations.

    IceTop consists of 81 stations located on top of the same number of IceCube strings. Each station has two tanks, each equipped with two downward facing DOMs. IceTop, built as a veto and calibration detector for IceCube, also detects air showers from primary cosmic rays in the 300 TeV to 1 EeV energy range. The surface array measures the cosmic-ray arrival directions in the Southern Hemisphere as well as the flux and composition of cosmic rays.

    Developments in neutrino astronomy have been driven by the search for the sources of cosmic rays, leading at an early stage to the concept of a cubic-kilometer neutrino detector. Cosmic rays, which consist mainly of protons, are the highest energy particles ever observed, with energies over a million times those reached by today’s particle accelerators on Earth.

    AMANDA, the Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array, was built as a proof of concept in the mid 1990s and demonstrated that the extremely clear Antarctic ice was suitable for detecting energetic neutrinos. IceCube, the only cubic-kilometer neutrino detector constructed to date, was completed in December 2010, only six years after the deployment of the first string at the South Pole.

    Eric Hecker says there's more to the "multipurpose" than advertised.

    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    ARMS dealers,
    God help us all.

    Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) constitute a buoyant $5.3 Billion dollar business (2022)

    The directed energy weapon market is projected to grow from USD 5.3 Billion in 2022 to USD 12.9 Billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 19.6% from 2022 to 2027

    Directed Energy: The Focus on Laser Weapons Intensifies
    Jan 25, 2024
    The robotic craft swoops in low, closing on its target. The enemy's sensors try to get a fix, as the planet surface races past below. In an instant, a beam reaches out from below at the speed of light, the high-powered laser burning through its target. This is not Star Wars: This is Scotland, last week, where the UK Ministry of Defence and its industry partners conducted the first successful firing of their DragonFire laser weapon against an aerial target.

    With this trial, the culmination of £100 million of investment to date, the United Kingdom joined other nations racing to develop and deploy what are known in military parlance as directed energy weapons (DEW). Though the technology is yet to mature, the United States has begun to deploy early laser weapons on several of its naval destroyers, as well as testing ground- and air-based versions....

    Directed-energy weapons need full Pentagon commitment, industry says
    By Colin Demarest 2024
    WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Defense must clearly commit to directed-energy weapons, or DEW, and shore up domestic sources of requisite materials to make them if it wants to deploy the futuristic arms en masse, industry advocates say.
    The Pentagon has in the past “wavered in its commitment to fielding” high-energy laser and high-power microwave systems at significant scale, ultimately hurting its suppliers and their logistical choices, the Emerging Technologies Institute and the National Defense Industrial Association said in a study published Jan. 23....

    Directed Energy Weapons Market Size, Share & COVID-19 and War Impact Analysis, By Technology (High Energy Laser Technology, High Power Microwave Technology, Particle Beam Weapons, Plasma Weapons, and Sonic Weapons), By Lethality (Lethal and Non-Lethal), By Platform (Land-based DEW, Airborne-based DEW, Ship-based DEW, and Space-based DEW), By Application (Defense and Homeland Security), and Regional Forecasts, 2022-2029
    Last edited by revelarts; 10-13-2024 at 10:50 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Here's a couple of interesting Studies

    Laser-induced water condensation in air

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    Rohwetter, Philipp ; Kasparian, Jérôme ; Stelmaszczyk, Kamil ; Hao, Zuoqiang ; Henin, Stefano ; Lascoux, Noëlle ; Nakaema, Walter M. ; Petit, Yannick ; Queißer, Manuel ; Salamé, Rami ; Salmon, Estelle ; Wöste, Ludger ; Wolf, Jean-Pierre

    Triggering rain on demand is an old dream of mankind, with a huge potential socio-economical benefit. To date, efforts have mainly focused on cloud-seeding using silver salt particles. We demonstrate that self-guided ionized filaments generated by ultrashort laser pulses are also able to induce water-cloud condensation in the free, sub-saturated atmosphere. Potential contributing mechanisms include photo-oxidative chemistry and electrostatic effects. As well as revealing the potential for influencing or triggering water precipitation, laser-induced water condensation provides a new tool for the remote sensing of nucleation processes in clouds.

    Nature Photonics, Volume 4, Issue 7, pp. 451-456 (2010).
    Pub Date: July 2010 DOI:
    Bibcode: 2010NaPho...4..451R


    Simulation of hurricane response to suppression of warm rain by sub-micron aerosols

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    Rosenfeld, D. ; Khain, A. ; Lynn, B. ; Woodley, W. L.
    The feasibility of hurricane modification was investigated for hurricane Katrina using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF). The possible impact of seeding of clouds with submicron cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) on hurricane structure and intensity as measured by nearly halving of the area covered by hurricane force winds was simulated by "turning-off" warm rain formation in the clouds at Katrina's periphery (where wind speeds were less than 22 m s-1). This simplification of the simulation of aerosol effects is aimed at evaluating the largest possible response. This resulted in the weakening of the hurricane surface winds compared to the "non-seeded" simulated storm during the first 24 h within the entire tropical cyclone (TC) area compared to a control simulation without warm rain suppression. Later, the seeding-induced evaporative cooling at the TC periphery led to a shrinking of the eye and hence to some increase in the wind within the small central area of the TC. Yet, the overall strength of the hurricane, as defined by the area covered by hurricane force winds, decreased in response to the suppressed warm rain at the periphery, as measured by a 25% reduction in the radius of hurricane force winds. In a simulation with warm rain suppression throughout the hurricane, the radius of the hurricane force winds was reduced by more than 42%, and although the diameter of the eye shrunk even further the maximum winds weakened. This shows that the main mechanism by which suppressing warm rain weakens the TC is the low level evaporative cooling of the un-precipitated cloud drops and the added cooling due to melting of precipitation that falls from above.
    Last edited by revelarts; 10-14-2024 at 09:09 AM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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