In my (cough)liberal commie pinko(cough) state the requirements are weird.

Either I take a multi-day 16 hour course which includes classroom instruction, practical exercises and live-firing activities - or Home study. These classes are not offered later than the end of September, and one signs up months in advance. Home Study - lookit this crap.

Online Test.
Affidavit for online Test.
otarized Rifle proficiency - Basically you bring a notary out to a range and he notarizes your target.
Notarized Shotgun proficiency - same as above
Range Visit Report - Visit an area range and write at least a two-page report—with a minimum of four photographs—which describes the range, how the range promotes firearm safety through the use of signs, range layout, training, etc.

And two of the three:

Work Project: Contribute a minimum of 4 hours of project service in a habitat, wildlife, or landowner relations project of your choosing. The Department of Fish and Wildlife does not develop or coordinate work projects for home study students.
Essay Project: Read Beyond Fair Chase by Jim Posewitz (ISBN 1560442832) and answer any two of the five essay questions below. The Department of Fish and Wildlife does not loan or sell copies of Beyond Fair Chase and home study students are required to obtain a copy from their local library or purchase one from a commercial vendor.

  • Question 1: President Theodore Roosevelt was a staunch advocate of "fair chase." What was he advocating?
  • Question 2: Compare and contrast "legal" hunting with "ethical" hunting.
  • Question 3: How will you measure your "success" as a hunter?
  • Question 4: Describe the differences between an ethical hunter and an unethical hunter.
  • Question 5: What type of individual do you want for a hunting mentor?

Test Questions Project: Write a minimum of 25 original test questions and answers on the material you have studied.

All that so a brother can hunt a couple ducks. Or a Deer.

Stupid. Of course, if you were born BEFORE 1 Jan 1972, you were born with innate hunting skillz and are in NO SUCH NEED of ANY OF THAT...just State-issued ID. Just I.D.
