In case anybody missed it on the other board, the MST3K guys have started a site called Rifftrax. At this site, you can buy audio files for $3 apiece that correspond to certain movies. Each file contains instructions on how to synch up the file to the movie, as well as a disembodied voice named 'Disembaudio' that will occasionally say a line of dialog with the movie to make sure you stay in synch. The audio file is the MST3K guys making fun of the movie, much like they did in the MST days. However, since they don't provide the movie, they've taken on the big movies, good and bad. So far, the list includes such titles as:

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
The Matrix
The Grudge
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
The Fellowship of the Ring
and even the scientology turd Battlefield Earth

It's hilarious. Try it and piss yourself laughing.