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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    HAHA, You would likely beat me if I shot my very heavy Tom Cole custom longbow. That 86 pound monster I loved but can no longer shoot accurately enough with because I find it about ten pounds too heavy! But I simply love it for its beauty and smooth shooting, takes a real hoss to shot it well! Since my heart attack 15 months go I can only shoot a few rounds with it before it exhausts my muscles and the accuracy goes out the window. If we get the chance to shoot I'd probaly shoot my 65 pound custom Lofton. It shoots fast and smooth too! Of course I knew your challenge was in good humor my friend. Man, sure wish my brother's bamboo takedown wasnt a righthanded bow. Being a lefty I have had to pass up dozen of deals on fantastic custom made longbows and recurves! Had a chance to buy a Blackwidow recurve early last year for $400.00 cash but it was a righty, I couldnt shoot it!! Probably should have bought it for resale and made about 5 or 6 hundred dollar profit on it. Was too busy and that was about a week or two before I had my heart attack. Still I could shoot my Bandito recurve if we shot short or intermediate range only. I think the poundage is a bit too light for any really long distance shooting.
    Bro' you better stretch those shooting muscles. I shot in my backyard about half an hour last weekend, using a light Ben Pearson longbow. Didnt want to injure that shoulder that gave me such problems last year! I'm already getting myself shot in! -Tyr
    I hear ya! I need to get back on the horse but there is so much going on right now (mentally and physically). I figured you'd pick up on my challenge being a bit on the humor side BUT, I must warn you that I'm no 'dandy' and I'd probably show off a bit (right or left bow). I shoot them all and can adjust quickly to ANYONE's bow at ANY style. You've already exposed your weaknesses...and I'm not talking about physical ailments. HA!!! As mentioned in no great detail, my son is a much better shot BUT when playing "HORSE" and if under a limited distance, I am quit an adversary. There's one particular shot that he has yet to master. It is one that I beat the britches off of him and that is to lay flat beside a log, stretch the bow over the log and hit the desired location of the 3D dear, Turkey, Coyote or Rabbit. I've never had to take this shot in an actual hunting situation but I believe I could pull it off and it is an ideal position if there's no other way.

    Still, I do have high respect for you and your style because I've shot with others like you. Perhaps we'll be able to show off a bit one of these days. I'll even throw a few arrows at a flying or moving target if you like. I may even try the "arrow that isn't aimed" thingy. HA! That's taking instinctive shooting to an all new level as I'm sure you know. My granddad always told me: "Don't aim a shotgun or bow....just shoot the darn thing." Heck, if I still had my coon dog, I'd take you out on a coon hunt with bow in hand. I've been known to shoot coon and ground hog out of a 60-70' tree before. Didn't know ground hog could climb...and I'm sure he didn't either (until the hounds got on his @$$). HA!!!

    Now chess is a different story altogether....I don't know what is wrong but I'm nowhere near the chess player I once was (not that my chess playing was ever impressive). HA!!!

    Take care my friend, it is now late and I've got FRESH garden goodies for supper!!!

    PS: Where's Granny Hawkins...another archer/bow hunter?!!! Post GRANNY! That's my challenge to you....and don't say that my ground hog story is poppycock!

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    Quote Originally Posted by red state View Post
    Well, Shadow, you could arm your arrows with dye tips. Then you could video the animal that you could have killed but chose not to. I can't believe this hasn't caught on...especially big ranches that could support ALL kinds of clients. I have a friend in church who hunts ONLY with a knife. They go head to head with wild boar! I don't know if he's stupid or simply taking the PRIMETIVE aspect of hunting to an awfully dangerous extreme!!! I don't hunt with a knife, spear or gun...and I don't go sticking my arm in a hole or old log under water either!!!! I'd rather remain the HUNTER! HA!! Good thread TYR! I hope it has a long life and is full of positive posters!
    Ummm....there is NO WAY I am sticking my arms in holes to catch these (below)...I've seen crazy people do it (noodling or whatever it's called) thanks


    Die tips... I might could do. I probably couldn't hit the broad side of a barn anyway, so who could I hurt.
    Last edited by Shadow; 07-09-2012 at 09:27 PM.

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    Well, it isn't easy to hit a deer. It depends on your area, the experience of the animal and the hunting pressure. I've almost purposely missed LOW on animals when I knew the hunting pressure had increased because I was certain that it would dodge my arrow (usually by getting VERY low to the ground). It usually requires a good "read" on the animal's behavior but I highly recommend trying it. It may even save the animal because some folks couldn't bring themselves to shooting an animal that a bow hunter had "marked". Of course, it could provide someone else with an exceptional TARGET. HA!!! You could start with a normal paint ball gun. You may even be surprised to learn that some deer are so nervous that they could even dodge a paint ball (depending on the distance). They are extraordinary animals....just too bad that they are so good for you and taste so good. HA! The REAL health food!!!

    Agreed, grappling (AKA grabbin' or grabbling) is not my idea of fun. The guy I told you about who boar hunts with a knife also grapples for catfish. Something is wrong with that good ole ****ry boy. HA!!!!

    ~Red State

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    Default Go BRAD GO!!!!

    Go BRAD GO!!!! Looks as though the WORLD better look out this time...Brad is in top form with no hip problems to keep him down.

    Here we find Brad going against jeans, huntin' cap and a really cool gun graphic on his quiver!!! HA! That thar is a "good ole boy" through and through. Home schooled, tenacious and free spirited....just like our Founding Fathers were. All American is what it is! Most liberals wouldn't know AMERICA if you shoved apple pie all in their face. What a shame...they are missing out on a lot!!!! And I wish it twern't so.

    The actual Olympic Archery contest doesn't start till Aug. BUT the USA Team has already broken 'unofficial' Broken records during practice sessions.


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    Quote Originally Posted by red state View Post
    Go BRAD GO!!!! Looks as though the WORLD better look out this time...Brad is in top form with no hip problems to keep him down.

    Here we find Brad going against jeans, huntin' cap and a really cool gun graphic on his quiver!!! HA! That thar is a "good ole boy" through and through. Home schooled, tenacious and free spirited....just like our Founding Fathers were. All American is what it is! Most liberals wouldn't know AMERICA if you shoved apple pie all in their face. What a shame...they are missing out on a lot!!!! And I wish it twern't so.

    The actual Olympic Archery contest doesn't start till Aug. BUT the USA Team has already broken 'unofficial' Broken records during practice sessions.

    Thanks my friend. A great video. That boy sure can shoot! Reminds me of a younger me.-
    I wonder how good he is with longbow ,no sights, no stabilizer. Pure instinctive shooting at longer ranges?-Tyr
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Thanks my friend. A great video. That boy sure can shoot! Reminds me of a younger me.-
    I wonder how good he is with longbow ,no sights, no stabilizer. Pure instinctive shooting at longer ranges?-Tyr
    I don't know BUT I'll show you what this old boy can do with a long bow; no nuthin'...just leave the pistol at the house! You know, I was and always have been too harsh on myself when bringing up pistols...I'm really not that bad. What I can pull off is shooting a snub nose (never have, never will). I remember Bob Munden pullin' off a 200 yard shot with a snub nose and I have problems keeping center mass at 10!!! HA!!! Those loud little boogers will certainly scare someone off though.

    Hey! this isn't gettin' back on topic BUT, your inbox is full (AGAIN). ha!!!

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    Well, that Frenchy wasn't too shabby but his stance is poor and he showed signs of pressure too much. At that level, you can't allow it! I love watching Pro Billiard players and you can tell when the heat is on....unless you're a really cool character. Of course, you can be over confident! And with that comment, I'll share a most embarrassing story.

    I once held private 3D events on my property and after a good shoot we all met back up at the watering hole. Well, for what ever reason, I threw my dixie cup down, drew an arrow (one with a broadhead on it) and told everyone as I drew back: Broadhead, gentlemen....broadhead." As I released, I noticed immediately that my 70+ yard shot was definitely on target....if the huge, hard barked hickory had been the target. Ha! Yep, I ate crow for a long while and NEVER got that broadhead back. I shot 92# then and it buried up pretty darn deep! HA!!!

    I'm sure even the GREAT Brad has had to eat crow on a number of occasions....that's how you get really taking chances.

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    I couldn't like Brady more if he were from the mountains of Tennessee or the foothills of Mississippi!!!!

    The actual Olympic Archery contest doesn't start till Aug. BUT the USA Team has already broken 'unofficial' records during practice sessions. I never understood shooting sites on such a bow....but then again, I don't understand why they don't have divisions as regular 3-D tournaments have. It is really quite ridiculous if you think about it and I'd bet Brad could participate in BOTH or ALL events with whatever bow they have. HA! Check out the high-tec "stuff" on these bows...I see no reason why they limit such an event in the Olympics. Since they do that, they should only allow HAND MADE bows.

    Bows generally are constructed of wood, fiberglass and graphite or carbon composites.
    They have stabilizers to reduce torque (twisting) in the arrows upon release.
    Sights & peeps are also used to aid in aiming and arrow rests help align the shot. All are very sophisticated.
    Most strings are made of Fast Flight, a hydrocarbon product, or kevlar, the material used to make bulletproof vests.
    Arrows are made of aluminum or carbon graphite, which are propelled in excess of 150 miles per hour.

    Equipment costs (bow, arrows, accessories) will normally be over $1000 I just gotta order me one of those quivers!!! Outstanding! It is a wonder France allowed him to have such a 'statement'.

    Whatever they use....Brad can do it and I'd bet he'd fair well with pistol and rifle shooting as well!!! He's a REAL American with American know-how & ability.
    Last edited by red state; 07-24-2012 at 06:24 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red state View Post
    I don't know BUT I'll show you what this old boy can do with a long bow; no nuthin'...just leave the pistol at the house! You know, I was and always have been too harsh on myself when bringing up pistols...I'm really not that bad. What I can pull off is shooting a snub nose (never have, never will). I remember Bob Munden pullin' off a 200 yard shot with a snub nose and I have problems keeping center mass at 10!!! HA!!! Those loud little boogers will certainly scare someone off though.

    Hey! this isn't gettin' back on topic BUT, your inbox is full (AGAIN). ha!!!
    haha, you redneck goober, I'll bring my pistol and outbang ya, my Tom Cole longbow and outshoot ya, and my throwing knife and outthrow ya! No brag , just fact , as old man Sonnet used to say.
    And if that dont twist your nose enough I'll bring my crayons and outcolor ya!-
    Except in coloring we no use red. ha, --TZ
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red state View Post
    I couldn't like Brady more if he were from the mountains of Tennessee or the foothills of Mississippi!!!!

    The actual Olympic Archery contest doesn't start till Aug. BUT the USA Team has already broken 'unofficial' records during practice sessions. I never understood shooting sites on such a bow....but then again, I don't understand why they don't have divisions as regular 3-D tournaments have. It is really quite ridiculous if you think about it and I'd bet Brad could participate in BOTH or ALL events with whatever bow they have. HA! Check out the high-tec "stuff" on these bows...I see no reason why they limit such an event in the Olympics. Since they do that, they should only allow HAND MADE bows.

    Bows generally are constructed of wood, fiberglass and graphite or carbon composites.
    They have stabilizers to reduce torque (twisting) in the arrows upon release.
    Sights & peeps are also used to aid in aiming and arrow rests help align the shot. All are very sophisticated.
    Most strings are made of Fast Flight, a hydrocarbon product, or kevlar, the material used to make bulletproof vests.
    Arrows are made of aluminum or carbon graphite, which are propelled in excess of 150 miles per hour.

    Equipment costs (bow, arrows, accessories) will normally be over $1000 I just gotta order me one of those quivers!!! Outstanding! It is a wonder France allowed him to have such a 'statement'.

    Whatever they use....Brad can do it and I'd bet he'd fair well with pistol and rifle shooting as well!!! He's a REAL American with American know-how & ability.
    Who hasnt had to eat crow before except those too cowardly to ever take or offer a dare?
    Myself, I wish they had three divisions in Olympic archery, 1. Longbow unaided, 2. Recurve unaided and 3. Modern Compounds with all the trimmings. And they shot targets at the ranges used in old English tournaments.
    That my friend would up the interest, the competition and the glory IMHO.
    Still, Brad shoots mighty damn good. I doubt that I could beat him at target shooting of the type in the video but if instinctive , bare bow longbow and moving targets at varying distances I'd have a good chance of winning possibly.
    If he keeps his coooooooooool, I believe he will win..-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Default We are most definitely on the same page...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Who hasnt had to eat crow before except those too cowardly to ever take or offer a dare?
    Myself, I wish they had three divisions in Olympic archery, 1. Longbow unaided, 2. Recurve unaided and 3. Modern Compounds with all the trimmings. And they shot targets at the ranges used in old English tournaments.
    That my friend would up the interest, the competition and the glory IMHO.
    Still, Brad shoots mighty damn good. I doubt that I could beat him at target shooting of the type in the video but if instinctive , bare bow longbow and moving targets at varying distances I'd have a good chance of winning possibly.
    If he keeps his coooooooooool, I believe he will win..-Tyr
    I whole heartedly agree...except for the old English target thing. I would like to see them start off with long bows/old English targets and continually back up till the last man is standing. Then I'd like to see them advance to moving targets with Recurve and with various difficulties. Finally, I'd like to see a 3D shoot with pop-ups as well as still shots as if it were a hunting elevations and so forth. Now THAT would be something to watch. Other than the Impossible Shots show on the Outdoor Channel, I quite watching that channel. It has gotten so boring! They really should have tournaments and stuff or at least cover brady in London. Some other channel had TOP SHOTS and that was really good for a while....till they started trying to be like SPIKE's MMA show with all the punks thinking their BAD@$$es and trashing the guest house and cutting each other down. That is a reason, in my opinion that SPIKE no longer has MMA...folks don't want to see TRASH! They tuned in to see training and fights!! The last episode I watched of that TOP SHOTS show was when they had a black Navy S.E.A.L. and he was such an idiot....thought he was tough until he had to face a good ole boy from the SOUTH!!! Folks just don't know that it is not the wisest thing to do is mess with an ole boy who can do just about anything and can take more than he may or may not be willing to dish out. HA!!!

    Getting back on topic tho....we're on the same page for sure. I just doubt P.E.T.A. would allow a 3D shoot. KraZy loons from all over the world would have a fit and they'd have to increase security 110%! Sad really how stupid people really are.

    I'll bet you that NOBODY could touch Brady if they has a total event with all sorts of bows as well as firearms! now that would be something to watch! He's certainly ready with that hip quiver of his....I just havta get me one of those!!!! Real BAD@$$ for sure!

    Well, I'm gonna hit the hay (AGAIN). David was in late and woke me up. HA!!!

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    Great thread! I love archery and like the posters here have been shooting for since I was a kid. At one time, I was co-owner of any archery shop/shooting range. I used to bow hunt but no longer enjoy it. Still love "paper" shooting though.
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    I'm not sure how many events Ellison is in, but the name jogged my memory when I read this article, as the winner of the first medal overall for Team USA. This was the mens archery team event, not solo. Great for him and his teammates!

    U.S. wins 1st medal of London Games in thrilling men’s team archery final

    LONDON — The U.S. men's archery team captured the silver medal on Saturday at Lord's Cricket Grounds, the first medal for the Americans at the London Olympics.

    But they were one arrow away from their first archery gold since 1996, which instead went to the Italians.

    The team of Brady Ellison, Jake Kaminski and Jacob Wukie were the No. 1-ranked team in the world headed into the Games, and survived a close match with Korea in the semifinal. Italy was ranked No. 9, and defeated Mexico.

    After the first round, Italy held a 54-52 lead, which wasn't a stellar start for either team, as the breeze picked up at Lord's. They increased the lead to four, as Italy scored two 10's and Kaminski was the lone shooter to fire an eight.

    To start the third round, the U.S. made a statement with two 10s, but Ellison could only manage an eight. Italy went 10-9-9; the U.S. responded with 10-10-9, followed by 10-8-9 for Italy. The Americans had closed to two points, with chants of "U-S-A" from the crowd. Six arrows remained for both teams.

    In the final round, Kaminski scored a 10, Wukie a 9 and Ellison a 9. The Italians went 9-10-8, giving the U.S. an opening — their lead was one.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by CSM View Post
    Great thread! I love archery and like the posters here have been shooting for since I was a kid. At one time, I was co-owner of any archery shop/shooting range. I used to bow hunt but no longer enjoy it. Still love "paper" shooting though.
    Do you shoot longbow, recurve or compound? I shoot longbow and recurve only with no sights no gadgets..
    I am traditional archery all the way myself.. My nephew shoots a compound and he is quite good with it.-Tyr
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Do you shoot longbow, recurve or compound? I shoot longbow and recurve only with no sights no gadgets..
    I am traditional archery all the way myself.. My nephew shoots a compound and he is quite good with it.-Tyr
    I shoot mostly compound and occassionally recurve. I really am fascinated by precision shooting (love shooting airguns as in the Olympic events).
    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
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