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    Default Being European, Doing What They Do

    I think it was @CSM that said something the effect to @Noir, 'You deplore guns by individuals and save up the problems to the millions for war.'

    It starts with something like this:

    Europe Poised to Put Warning Labels on Jewish-Made Products
    Legal decision reminiscent of Holocaust-era boycotts of Jews

    Adam Kredo - AUGUST 9, 2019 2:20 PM

    The European Union is poised to mandate that Israeli products made in contested territories carry consumer warning labels, a decision that could trigger American anti-boycott laws and open up what legal experts describe as a "Pandora's box" of litigation, according to multiple sources involved in the legal dispute who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.

    The Advocate General of the European Court of Justice recently issued non-binding opinion arguing that EU law requires Israeli-made products to be labeled as coming from "settlements" and "Israeli colonies."

    The decision was seen as a major win for supporters of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, or BDS, which seeks to wage economic warfare on Israel and its citizens. Pro-Israel activists, as well as the Jewish businesses involved in the legal dispute, see the decision as an ominous warning sign that they say is reminiscent of Holocaust-era boycotts of Jewish businesses.

    With the EU court's 15 judge panel now poised to issue its own binding judgment in the case, legal experts are warning that a potential decision mandating such labeling could pave the way for goods from any disputed territory to receive such treatment. The decision also could trigger U.S. anti-boycott laws meant to stop Israeli-made goods from being singled out for unfair treatment on the international market.

    Brooke Goldstein, a human rights lawyer and executive director of the Lawfare Project, which is involved in the legal dispute, described the EU court's initial decision as "frankly outrageous."

    "The Advocate General's opinion said that goods produced by Muslims are to be labeled from ‘Palestine,' and goods produced by Jews labeled as coming from ‘Israeli colonies,' Goldstein said. "Both people are living in the same geographic location, and yet Jewish goods are being treated differently."

    "Could the discrimination be any clearer?" she asked. "If the EU Court justifies this bigotry it will degrade the rule of law in Europe and it will undoubtedly have many unintended consequences for EU traders. My understanding is that certain consumer protection agencies have already filed complaints to demand the similar labeling of goods from other disputed territories. This labeling fiasco will turn into a nightmare for EU importers of goods from any and all countries involved in territorial disputes. I trust the court will maintain that goods must be labeled indicating the geographical location of origin, and reject the push to politicize labeling."

    The legal dispute first began after France passed a law mandating that products made in the West Bank territory of Israel be labeled as coming from an "Israeli colony," a label not applied to any other products across the globe.


    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    I think it was @CSM that said something the effect to @Noir, 'You deplore guns by individuals and save up the problems to the millions for war.'

    It starts with something like this:
    This comes from the effects of Left wing propaganda ... and the perception that propaganda insists must be believed in.

    The Left (of course) leads this 'initiative', but many are persuaded to buy it as absolute truth ... namely, that Israel is acting as an imperialist power, trampling on the so-called 'rights' of others, those others being victimised underdogs.

    That very propagandist effort is heavy on anti-Israeli sentiment and rhetoric, yet remarkably blind to the terrorism and sheer savagery that Israel suffers.

    It is from that so-called 'enlightened' standpoint that the prejudices being exercised in the above are born. Propagandist prejudice takes on the appearance of 'truth', to the point where to act against Israeli interests is deemed as serving a 'humanitarian' cause.

    Try checking with Noir as to where he thinks the rights and wrongs of this are to be found. Watch as he regards with disdain any contrary opinion. He'll see no parallel with past times and past bigotries. He'll not choose to.

    He'll be a victim (an unknowing one) of the stranglehold the Left has in my part of the world over public opinion ... bigotries masquerading as 'enlightened truth' ....

    I'm reminded of events of a few years ago. Hamas launched a terrorist assault on Israeli territory, firing hundreds of missiles into Israel. Israel, understandably, responded in defence of its land and people, by using the power they had in an effort to neutralise Hamas's ability to function.

    Our Left ... led by the then-leader of the Labour Party, Ed Miliband, was enraged at ISRAEL'S actions. He was strongly and hotly condemnatory of them. He went further ... DEMANDING, no less, that his counterpart in the Conservative Party (David Cameron) issue a comparable public condemnation of Israel.

    Mr Cameron refused to, as I recall.

    This is the mood prevalent here, and, now, it's a long-standing one.

    Don't just take my word for it ...

    In an outspoken statement, Mr Miliband said Mr Cameron’s ‘silence on the killing of hundreds of innocent Palestinian civilians caused by Israel’s military action will be inexplicable to people across Britain and internationally’.

    The remarks sparked an angry response from Downing Street, with aides accusing the Labour leader of misrepresenting Mr Cameron’s views.

    The No 10 spokesman said: ‘The Prime Minister has been clear that both sides in the conflict need to observe a ceasefire.

    'We are shocked that Ed Miliband would seek to misrepresent that position and play politics with such a serious issue.’

    Mr Miliband stressed that he was ‘a supporter of Israel’ but branded its military actions in the past two weeks as ‘wrong and unjustifiable’.

    He called on the UK Government ‘as a whole’ to condemn the escalating violence on both sides.

    Yesterday, in the 26th day of the conflict, Israel carried out fresh attacks on Gaza while militants launched more rockets into Israel as a hunt continues for missing Israeli soldier Hadar Goldin.
    Miliband's 'support' of Israel took the form of rounding on Israel because of Palestinian deaths. But strong support for Israel's right to do what it took to neutralise Hamas's terrorism .. that was absent. In Leftie terms, this passes as 'enlightened' thinking ...

    Fast-forward to today:

    The ‘terrifying’ scale of Labour’s anti-Semitism crisis was laid bare last night as it emerged 4,000 examples of hatred will be submitted to the party.

    Labour Against Anti-Semitism has collected thousands of screenshots of vile comments and images from Labour Facebook groups and Twitter accounts.

    They include a member of Momentum’s steering committee who shared a message accusing Saudi Arabia of being in thrall to ‘Zionist masters’.

    Apsana Begum acknowledged the original poster used words that were inappropriate after being contacted by the Mail.

    Other online posters, who LAAS believe to be Labour members, suggested cases of anti-Semitism were fabricated and insisted Israel was behind a ‘smear’ campaign against Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership.

    The revelation comes days after Labour’s general secretary Jennie Formby was accused of a cover-up after she refused to reveal how many cases of anti-Semitism the party is dealing with. Last night LAAS said they were ‘overwhelmed’ by the scale of Labour’s anti-Semitism and added: ‘It is terrifying how racial hatred towards Jews is now thriving across the Labour movement.’

    One member claimed the country is ‘enslaved to the Rothschilds and the Zionist World Bank’.

    The party member retweeted a picture of Jimmy Savile and an article saying satanic abuse of children was rife, adding: ‘All part of the Satanic structure behind the Zionist-inspired new world order and one world government.’

    LAAS will submit the examples to a disciplinary committee and believes the 4,000 screenshots are likely to relate to around 1,000 separate people, thought to be Labour members or people who comment on Labour Facebook groups.

    A Labour spokesman said they take complaints of anti-Semitism ‘extremely seriously’ and will challenge it ‘in all its forms’, and added that some posts turn out not to have involved party members.
    The Left is a global cancer. I submit this as increasingly irrefutable truth.
    Last edited by Drummond; 08-09-2019 at 11:53 PM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    This exactly what the Nazi's did leading up to and into WWII.

    EU had better step lightly...and not step on their D***.

    Bad, bad thinking on their part.

    I stay away from Euro politics unlike one from there that always injects his
    misguided opinions into USA Politics.

    @Drummond, what think you?

    Update....I see Drummond responded!
    Last edited by Elessar; 08-09-2019 at 11:37 PM.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elessar View Post
    This exactly what the Nazi's did leading up to and into WWII.

    EU had better step lightly...and not step on their D***.

    Bad, bad thinking on their part.

    I stay away from Euro politics unlike one from there that always injects his
    misguided opinions into USA Politics.

    @Drummond, what think you?

    Update....I see Drummond responded!
    Hitler was able to focus on the Jews for the simple reason that centuries of anti-semitism were ingrained into the continental psyche. They were the ready made boogeymen and they deserved what was coming was most common thinking of the time. Heck, even the US refused one ship of refugees.

    I suppose the period between 1946-1970 or so was the safest for European Jews, but for fact, many French Jews have been leaving for 15 years or so. The smart ones, just like those who fled Germany, Austria in the 1930s.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    Hitler was able to focus on the Jews for the simple reason that centuries of anti-semitism were ingrained into the continental psyche. They were the ready made boogeymen and they deserved what was coming was most common thinking of the time. Heck, even the US refused one ship of refugees.

    I suppose the period between 1946-1970 or so was the safest for European Jews, but for fact, many French Jews have been leaving for 15 years or so. The smart ones, just like those who fled Germany, Austria in the 1930s.
    It's 6AM here, and I think I'd like some sleep now !

    But, whether we're talking about the UK's Leftist movement(s), or counterparts to be found in other corners of Europe, the basic truth remains the same. Left-leaning groupings and authorities will side with Israel's enemies, they'll simultaneously deny anti-Semitic biases or prejudices, and sell it all to everyone else as 'humanitarian enlightenment'.


    Terror group Hamas has thanked Jeremy Corbyn for a message of support for Palestinians.

    The group issued a statement to “salute” the Labour leader for his stance and said it had received his message with “great respect and appreciation”.

    The move was in response to a message Mr Corbyn sent to a march in support of Palestinians in London on Saturday.

    The Hamas statement said: “We have received with great respect and appreciation the solidarity message sent by the British Labor Party Leader, Jeremy Corbyn, to the participants in the mass rally.”

    The statement added: “We also salute Mr Jeremy Corbyn for his principled position in rejecting the so-called Trump Plan for the Middle East or the ‘Deal of the Century’ if it was based on erasing Palestinian rights, primarily the right to an independent state.

    “On this occasion we emphasize that no peace plan can succeed at the expense of the rights of the Palestinian people, that the Palestinians will not allow this deal to pass, and that it will be doomed to failure.

    “We also call on the current British government to stop supporting the Israeli occupation state and to listen to the voice of wisdom and reason and adopt policies in support of the Palestinian legitimate rights that will lead to stability in this vitally important and highly turbulent region.”

    Mr Corbyn’s statement in support of the rally said: “We cannot stand by or stay silent at the continuing denial of rights and justice to the Palestinian people.

    “The Labour Party is united in condemning the ongoing human rights abuses by Israeli forces, including the shooting of hundreds of unarmed Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza – most of them refugees or families of refugees – demanding their rights.”

    A Labour spokesman said: “Jeremy has a long and principled record of solidarity with the Palestinian people. That is the right thing to do.”
    [Additionally: to show that outright friendship towards terrorists is a long-standing fact of Corbyn's sympathies ...]

    If Jeremy Corbyn wins, Labour will be in the extraordinary position of having a leader with among the most extensive links in Parliament to terrorists.

    Between 2004 and 2008, the Iranian-backed Mahdi Army militia, led by Muqtada al-Sadr, killed at least 70 British soldiers, not to mention thousands of Iraqi civilians. Last February, the man who might become the next leader of the Labour Party shared a platform with al-Sadr’s British representative.

    Jeremy Corbyn was helping Sayyed Hassan al-Sadr celebrate “the all-encompassing revolution,” the 35th anniversary of the ayatollahs’ takeover in Iran. In his talk, entitled “The Case for Iran,” he called for the immediate scrapping of sanctions on the country, which had not then promised to restrict its nuclear programme, attacked its colonial exploitation by British business and called for an end to its “demonisation” by the West.

    With Mr Corbyn now topping the constituency nominations for the Labour leadership, and backed by the Unite union, the party’s biggest donor, most attention has focused on the escapist heritage artefact that is his economic policy, complete with tax rises, an end to all cuts and the expropriation of private landlords’ property through a tenant right-to-buy.

    But if he does win, Labour will also be in the extraordinary position of having as its leader a man with among the most extensive links in Parliament to terrorists, extremists and hardline regimes."

    Mr Corbyn, The Telegraph can reveal, has taken thousands of pounds in gifts from organisations closely linked to the terror group Hamas, whose operatives he once described as “friends”.
    This disgusting little piece of perversity has our Labour leader supporting terrorists, selling it AS A HUMANITARIAN ACT.

    See what I mean ??

    I don't need to comment further (besides, sleep beckons .....).
    Last edited by Drummond; 08-10-2019 at 12:20 AM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    It's 6AM here, and I think I'd like some sleep now !

    But, whether we're talking about the UK's Leftist movement(s), or counterparts to be found in other corners of Europe, the basic truth remains the same. Left-leaning groupings and authorities will side with Israel's enemies, they'll simultaneously deny anti-Semitic biases or prejudices, and sell it all to everyone else as 'humanitarian enlightenment'.


    I don't need to comment further (besides, sleep beckons .....).
    Have a good night.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Drummond, I don't think there was a whole lot of political parties back in Medieval or even the Renaissance? Plenty of anti-semetism in Shakespeare.
    Early 1900s saw the rise again, after a brief withdrawal of laws, (much like black codes here) were dropped. In early 1900s The Protocols of the Elders of Zion made a big hit on the continent, coming out of Russia. Lest we forget the pogroms there, including during the white revolution and with Lenin/Stalin.

    Like Hitler, these were open secrets.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    I think it was @CSM that said something the effect to @Noir, 'You deplore guns by individuals and save up the problems to the millions for war.'

    It starts with something like this:
    What would having guns change about this?
    If you also agree that an animals suffering should be avoided rather than encouraged, consider what steps you can take.

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    Next thing you know, they'll be handing out gold stars to the Jews...

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    I guess there's just a lot of lingering jew hatred left yet in Europe, and it's being fueled to burn hotter now with their hundreds of thousands of new muslim implants.

    Had this situation existed when Hitler came to power, he'd have probably won WWII, and it would be hard find a jew anywhere on the planet.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 08-10-2019 at 07:17 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    I guess there's just a lot of lingering jew hatred left yet in Europe, and it's being fueled to burn hotter now with their hundreds of thousands of new muslim implants.

    Had this situation existed when Hitler came to power, he'd have probably won WWII, and it would be hard find a jew anywhere on the planet.
    It pretty much did exist before Hitler. It was present for hundreds, even a thousand years before and not just in Germany/Austria. That is part of the equation Hitler used. He gave 'good reasons' for his ramping up to purification, coupling the final solution with his faux scientific purity.

    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    What would having guns change about this?
    Those who are not able to protect themselves, be it an individual or a country are at the mercies of the strongest amongst them. When it's been multiple countries overrun or confronting a much stronger and better armed-physically and psychologically as happened to Europe with Hitler, their only hope is there is a bigger, stronger ally to come-thus the rise of US and USSR.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    Hitler was able to focus on the Jews for the simple reason that centuries of anti-semitism were ingrained into the continental psyche. They were the ready made boogeymen and they deserved what was coming was most common thinking of the time. Heck, even the US refused one ship of refugees.

    I suppose the period between 1946-1970 or so was the safest for European Jews, but for fact, many French Jews have been leaving for 15 years or so. The smart ones, just like those who fled Germany, Austria in the 1930s.

    and why 'the smart Jews' have been leaving France for years now:

    AUGUST 9, 2019 2:33 PM 5Former French Intelligence Chief Alleged to Have Made Secret Pact With Palestinian Terrorists Behind 1982 Kosher Restaurant Massacre
    avatar by Ben Cohen


    and Europe in general:

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    It pretty much did exist before Hitler.
    Probably, I would't debate it didn't, but there wasn't as many muslims back in 30's and 40's Europe as there is now. As we all know, Merkel absolutely opened the flood gates and allowed muslims to stream in by the hundreds of thousands, unchecked. These are muslims that weren't in Europe pre WWII. Muslims hate jews, and apparently there's many Germans that still hate jews, among others in Europe, so the Hitler Nazi party might be gone, but the jew hatred remains, and now Europe is packed full of new jew hating muslims. It's a toxic situation, and I think it's pretty hard for Europeans to deny their jew hatred at this point. Antisemitism is alive and well in Europe.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 08-10-2019 at 10:03 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Probably, I would't debate it didn't, but there wasn't as many muslims back in 30's and 40's Europe as there is now. As we all know, Merkel absolutely opened the flood gates and allowed muslims to stream in by the hundreds of thousands, unchecked. These are muslims that weren't in Europe pre WWII. Muslims hate jews, and apparently there's many Germans that still hate jews, among others in Europe, so the Hitler Nazi party might be gone, but the jew hatred remains, and now Europe is packed full of new jew hating muslims. It's a toxic situation, and I think it's pretty hard for Europeans to deny they're jew hatred at this point. Antisemitism is alive and well in Europe.
    Pretty much 'everybody' hates the Jews, the West just slightly less than the Muslims. As Drummond has noted, today that means the 'liberals' who like the Muslims (or fear them), more than the Jews.

    Thus the smart Jews are leaving.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    Pretty much 'everybody' hates the Jews, the West just slightly less than the Muslims. As Drummond has noted, today that means the 'liberals' who like the Muslims (or fear them), more than the Jews.

    Thus the smart Jews are leaving.
    I don't understand why everyone hates them... never did.

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