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    Default Female US Army soldier makes history by becoming the first woman to become a Green Be

    Female US Army soldier makes history by becoming the first woman to become a Green Beret (Ryan Pickrell)
    Business InsiderJuly 9, 2020, 12:00 PM
    Soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School stand at attention during a Regimental First Formation at the Crown Arena in Fayetteville, North Carolina January 16, 2020
    Soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School stand at attention during a Regimental First Formation at the Crown Arena in Fayetteville, North Carolina January 16, 2020
    U.S. Army photo by K. Kassens

    A female soldier became the US Army's first female Green Beret on Thursday.

    The National Guard soldier graduated, earned her Special Forces Tab, and earned her Green Beret Thursday at a ceremony at Fort Bragg, North Carolina celebrating her and her classmates completion of Special Forces training.

    US Army Special Operations Command is withholding identifying information about the woman due to mission security demands for special operations troops.

    Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

    In a major achievement for women in the armed forces, a soldier became the US Army's first female Green Beret Thursday, US Army Special Operations Command announced.

    The female National Guard soldier, whose name is being withheld due to mission security concerns for special operations troops, graduated from Army Special Forces training, received her Special Forces Tab, and donned her Green Beret at a socially distanced ceremony at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

    Commanding General for US Army Special Operations Command Lt. Gen. Fran Beaudette told the graduating class Thursday that "from here, you will go forward and join the storied formation of the Green Berets where you will do what you are trained to do: challenge assumptions, break down barriers, smash through stereotypes, innovate, and achieve the impossible."

    "Thankfully," the general said, "after today, our Green Beret Men and Women will forever stand in the hearts of free people everywhere."

    The soldier, a Special Forces engineer sergeant, first completed an initial 24-day screening program before heading into the yearlong Special Forces Qualification Course (Q Course), The New York Times, which first reported her graduation, reported Thursday.

    She completed the final assessment, the culminating Robin Sage exercise that tests soldiers on skills essential to being a Green Beret, in mid-June.

    The Pentagon opened all combat positions in the armed forces to women in late 2015.

    "They'll be allowed to drive tanks, fire mortars and lead infantry soldiers into combat," Defense Secretary Ash Carter said at the time. "They'll be able to serve as Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marine Corps infantry, Air Force parajumpers, and everything else that was previously open only to men."

    Since then, women have begun to fill previously restricted roles, the exception being the Special Forces. These elite troops wage unconventional warfare, and their training is especially demanding. Special Forces has been one of the few remaining all-male warfighting communities.

    While the woman that graduated Thursday is the first to become a Green Beret, she is not the first woman to graduate from the training program.

    In the early 1980s, a woman named Capt. Kate Wilder completed Special Forces training, but she was forced out at the last minute. The Army later sent her a graduation certificate after an investigation upheld her discrimination complaint and determined that she was wrongfully denied graduation.

    But Wilder, who left the Army as a lieutenant colonel in 2003, never joined the Green Berets.

    "It isn't important that I wear the hat," she told the AP after graduating. "I'm not at all hung up on a hat like a lot of the men are ... What matters is that I'm officially qualified."

    A senior Army official previously told that the woman who graduated Thursday "excelled throughout the course and earned the respect of both her instructors and her peer group."

    Read the original article on Business Insider
    ok, now how about asking which soldiers would prefer -her- fighting besides them in a firefight over that of fellow male soldier.
    The nitty gritty of it is- men are larger, more powerful, meaner and tougher than women.
    No amount modern women's rights. equality bullshit gonna change that reality.
    I would choose a male soldier over her any day..
    Ten to one says that she was cut some slack somewhere along the way..--Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    In a "perfect World" ...

    Based on ability and performance alone, I have no problem with it. If she performs up to standards (instead of the standards performing down to her), she deserves the same opportunities as anyone else she is competing with for position or promotion. "Green Beret" is one helluva feather to have on your hat come promotion time. Tough women are tough. Scare most guys. I always found that quite amusing

    In the REAL World: 18-22 years old males and females in isolated locations for long periods of time has gone only one, the SAME one, direction I've ever seen. Then you have relationships. Then you have stupidity on both sides of it. has a negative impact on the unit itself and the morale. It's called nature and as much as the left has us trying to pretend it isn't there, I assure you it exists after taps. I'm not blaming one more than other because it takes 2.

    I had a Marine that was married to a WM (woman Marine) on one of the other ships in our ARG and OMG I was a marriage counselor half the float. More like a referee. I finally had to dump that deal on the Captain.

    There is no happy ending or "right" answer here. The Sergeant Major will call the Gunny in laughing his ass off and say, " Gunny, make this work".
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    In a "perfect World" ...

    Based on ability and performance alone, I have no problem with it. If she performs up to standards (instead of the standards performing down to her), she deserves the same opportunities as anyone else she is competing with for position or promotion. "Green Beret" is one helluva feather to have on your hat come promotion time. Tough women are tough. Scare most guys. I always found that quite amusing

    In the REAL World: 18-22 years old males and females in isolated locations for long periods of time has gone only one, the SAME one, direction I've ever seen. Then you have relationships. Then you have stupidity on both sides of it. has a negative impact on the unit itself and the morale. It's called nature and as much as the left has us trying to pretend it isn't there, I assure you it exists after taps. I'm not blaming one more than other because it takes 2.

    I had a Marine that was married to a WM (woman Marine) on one of the other ships in our ARG and OMG I was a marriage counselor half the float. More like a referee. I finally had to dump that deal on the Captain.

    There is no happy ending or "right" answer here. The Sergeant Major will call the Gunny in laughing his ass off and say, " Gunny, make this work".
    "Gunny, make this work"
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    One must ask could she carry a wounded soldier more than a few feet if he was injured and unconscious. If she truly has the strength, grit , determination and stamina. Does she have the inherent pverpowering will to win that is a basic genetic coding in males. Does she have that killer instinct that is prevalent in males far far more than females.. Combat, killing others is the main job of a soldier, females are genetically programmed to be nurturers and mother's not killers.. Tyr.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    When fire departments started to admit women, what I saw was restructured physical tests so women could pass. That’s a VERY bad idea. Determine what qualifications are truly needed for the job or mission, and apply them to everyone. If women can then pass the test, then I think they should be given a shot.

    Having said that, I also agree with Gunny that with both sexes there, nature will take its course, and if that can cause problems or especially danger, it ain’t gonna work. I also wonder if the wives at home are going to be uneasy with their hubby being in close quarters 24/7 with other women, and not want them to go.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    One must ask could she carry a wounded soldier more than a few feet if he was injured and unconscious. If she truly has the strength, grit , determination and stamina. Does she have the inherent pverpowering will to win that is a basic genetic coding in males. Does she have that killer instinct that is prevalent in males far far more than females.. Combat, killing others is the main job of a soldier, females are genetically programmed to be nurturers and mother's not killers.. Tyr.
    I've met some women in the military, and out, that would whip your ass and mine without working up a sweat. When I say the tough women are tough, I'm not exaggerating. They make a point of keeping up with if not surpassing the men at every turn. I can think of a couple I knew I'd have taken in a heartbeat and dumped a couple of guys to get them.

    As I stated, all things being equal, if they meet the standard, they should have the same opportunity. You can ask @CSM because he is Army, IMO, the fact that she DID earn her Green Beret in a class full of men that I'm sure started out a LOT larger than it ended answers all of your questions.

    You could also google Women in the Mossad. They might disagree with you. They're some damned hardass women and will kill without batting an eyelash.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    When fire departments started to admit women, what I saw was restructured physical tests so women could pass. That’s a VERY bad idea. Determine what qualifications are truly needed for the job or mission, and apply them to everyone. If women can pass the test then, then I think they should be given a shot.

    Having said that, I also agree with Gunny that with both sexes there, nature will take its course, and if that can cause problems or especially danger, it ain’t gonna work. I also wonder if the wives at home are going to be uneasy with their hubby being in close quarters 24/7 with other women, and not want them to go.
    I agree and I was always against it in the Marines. The Marine Corps however restructured the physical standards twice while I was in, both time making the women catch up to us, not dumbing the standards down.

    I did not see anywhere that the US Army lowered the standards for a female to make it through Green Beret School, or whatever it's called.

    My ex wife WAS (is a retired SSgt) a Marine. She wasn't worried. Y'all heard of John Bobbitt?

    Marine wives are more worried about what hubby's up to when that ship hits a foreign port than they are co-workers. Not saying it doesn't happen, but military co-workers who are married that engage in such shenanigans are fools. Adultery is still a punishable offense in the Marine Corps, and so is fraternization.

    Nothing is perfect. Since @CSM directed me to "make it work:

    I find out who the closet fag in the unit is and she's his teammate. I don't care if that isn't PC. Problem solved.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Default We can't skirt around this much longer, I hope Gunny will agree.

    While I was on active duty, on ships, and 2 shore stations. As a Senior P.O. I saw it time, and time again where (Have to say it) Females always...ALWAYS got preferential treatment in nearly every aspect of doing the job at hand. Of course, being on a ship is nowhere near being in a Jungle, or Beach area under fire from an enemy. But...that danger aside. It just was a common aspect of OUR Nature as men to protect, and intentionally take it easier on the females who knew (as we men all knew)...they simply were not capable of performing the tedious work, or tasks under the conditions at every moment.

    Senior officers even looked the other way, and even assigned easier tasks for the females the way...MAGICALLY became eligible for Advancement...despite being limited as they were.
    Now that this woman has become a Green Beret. The men around her will still have that unseen inner feeling to protect her when the going gets tough...even if she demands she is able to do whatever has been assigned to her. It also takes valuable Attention from her fellow Green Berets when they are going to be under fire. The Nature of men is always...Protect the women by placing themselves in jeopardy...even without knowing it.
    Last edited by icansayit; 07-10-2020 at 07:41 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I've met some women in the military, and out, that would whip your ass and mine without working up a sweat. When I say the tough women are tough, I'm not exaggerating. They make a point of keeping up with if not surpassing the men at every turn. I can think of a couple I knew I'd have taken in a heartbeat and dumped a couple of guys to get them.

    As I stated, all things being equal, if they meet the standard, they should have the same opportunity. You can ask @CSM because he is Army, IMO, the fact that she DID earn her Green Beret in a class full of men that I'm sure started out a LOT larger than it ended answers all of your questions.

    You could also google Women in the Mossad. They might disagree with you. They're some damned hardass women and will kill without batting an eyelash.
    I never said there are no tough women. I doubt there are any that could have whipped my ass when I was in my 20/30's.
    I have watched the tough women in MMA, and without a doubt none of them could have beat hell out of me in my prime not Rhonda ROUSEY
    or any of the others. Now at age 66 and with my heart condition yeah maybe the toughest could, but even then it would not be a walk in the park.
    If it comes to shooting I truly doubt any of them are better than me. I've always been that accurate since age 6...
    Rifle and shotgun age 6 onward , pistols started at age 14. Heavily trained with pistols up into my late thirties/forties. -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by icansayit View Post
    While I was on active duty, on ships, and 2 shore stations. As a Senior P.O. I saw it time, and time again where (Have to say it) Females always...ALWAYS got preferential treatment in nearly every aspect of doing the job at hand. Of course, being on a ship is nowhere near being in a Jungle, or Beach area under fire from an enemy. But...that danger aside. It just was a common aspect of OUR Nature as men to protect, and intentionally take it easier on the females who knew (as we men all knew)...they simply were not capable of performing the tedious work, or tasks under the conditions at every moment.

    Senior officers even looked the other way, and even assigned easier tasks for the females the way...MAGICALLY became eligible for Advancement...despite being limited as they were.
    Now that this woman has become a Green Beret. The men around her will still have that unseen inner feeling to protect her when the going gets tough...even if she demands she is able to do whatever has been assigned to her. It also takes valuable Attention from her fellow Green Berets when they are going to be under fire. The Nature of men is always...Protect the women by placing themselves in jeopardy...even without knowing it.
    I think you covered that pretty nicely. Women are a pain in the ass in the military and I know all kinds of stories like the ones you posted. I can't say as I'm guilty of doing it. To the contrary I treated them like the rank they had on. They don't like that

    However, I AM protective of women. Guilty. It's hard wired

    Thing is, any answer can't focus on just one side of the argument. The women are here/there. All us military folk with a brain know the US Military is the social experimentation lab for the US Government. They order it and we can't say no like civilians can. I was only half-kidding what I posted about the SgtMaj telling the Gunny to make it work. I can picture it happening and thinking "Oh f-k " You have to make it work. There wasn't a question in the directive.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I think you covered that pretty nicely. Women are a pain in the ass in the military and I know all kinds of stories like the ones you posted. I can't say as I'm guilty of doing it. To the contrary I treated them like the rank they had on. They don't like that

    However, I AM protective of women. Guilty. It's hard wired

    Thing is, any answer can't focus on just one side of the argument. The women are here/there. All us military folk with a brain know the US Military is the social experimentation lab for the US Government. They order it and we can't say no like civilians can. I was only half-kidding what I posted about the SgtMaj telling the Gunny to make it work. I can picture it happening and thinking "Oh f-k " You have to make it work. There wasn't a question in the directive.
    That’s why you are on my list (like it or not, lol) when the SHTF and we head for Rick’s. I want to be completely surrounded by Alpha males who want to protect me. And can. I can make the coffee.

    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Different skill-set, but...

    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    If they pass a watered-down set of requirements, then it is just political and not as impressive..

    If they pass the same set of requirements that everyone else has, very impressive.

    Either way, though, I'm sure this first Green Beret is one tough woman.
    Last edited by Russ; 07-12-2020 at 12:03 PM.
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    If the young lady was badass enough to graduate - and reportedly excelled at Green Beret training - then my hat's off to her.

    It's a real accomplishment that most men can't do. She's earned it and it's only right that she's able to be a Green Beret.

    I've met some extremely tough women over the years, and my first exposure to a female badass was in high school when I witnessed a female junior (who was in my weight training class) respond to a normal snarky girl with a wicked right uppercut that lifted her off her feet and deposited her against the lockers 6 feet away. I thought she was dead at first, but she was just knocked cold. Had a bit of whiplash for a while, too, and had roughly 87% less snark after that speed-tune.

    I have a friend, Cassidy, who was Army Infantry, got out as a sergeant - but she was kicking around the idea of going SF. She's one tough girl and I think she could have done it if she'd decided to... very tough both mentally and physically.

    She's a pretty decent fisherman, too - I watched her land this beautiful King Salmon and took this pic :

    Last edited by NightTrain; 07-12-2020 at 06:19 PM.
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    Further, as far as body strength goes... I would point out that America's most highly decorated soldier and undisputed badass, Audie Murphy, was rejected for being too small by the Army, Navy and Marines in WWII when he tried to enlist.

    He was 5' 5" and 112#.

    The Army finally accepted him, as we all know he was a wrecking machine on the battlefield.

    As far as women being a distraction... yeah, I can see that point but if she's qualified then she's got the right to be there. Yeah, there will be issues but that's the reality of things and sidelining an otherwise exceptional soldier just because she's a woman is unfair.

    That, to me, is like derailing a black guy because he's black. If he's qualified and does the job then he deserves to be there, and that goes for any job - not just the military.

    OTOH, if anyone gets a pass because of sex or race, then you've harmed the organization by allowing substandard people into the mix - and that's bullshit. If we're going to be gender-blind, then there should never be a lessening of standards to bend the rules to accommodate.
    Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum

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