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    Default Special thread, to remind to finish

    Nemesis, Confrontation And The Rejoined Battle Nemesis - Part One

    Note: 3/23/2021

    This is from a long poem that was first started back in 1981

    It was never completed, I now have decided to complete it.

    With the hope that it shall merit as being a worthy creation

    And perhaps a warning to the youths of today about the ever

    Present and that very real evil lurking in this earthen realm,

    always ready to pounce and destroy the innocent the

    unsuspecting ones. At this point, I have not a clue how long this

    piece shall become. Or what amount of time it shall take- since

    my wife's cancer surgery is scheduled for March 24th , 2021..

    My time to write after that day will likely be severely limited.

    Nemesis, Confrontation And The Rejoined Battle
    (Nemesis) - Part One

    O'lord of blight dare thee to now abide
    Leaving thy abode to earthen realm ride
    As punisher with dark universal might
    As grief bearer, humanity to smite!

    Dar'est thee enter, after I so yield
    Sheathed my sword, tossed away my shield
    I that in sorrow abandoned battlefields
    Seeking love, sweet peace and love's greener fields!

    Venomous ire, thee again cross my path
    To wage war and sate thy evil wrath
    I that settled to in peace, here now live
    And in the earthen realm yet again give!

    Thee a true nemesis of fruitful life
    Author of Hate, Evil and Human strife
    Spreader of hate, plagues, and even worse
    Dark sower of thy ever wicked curse!

    Nemesis- thy hate I shall not allow
    Nor to its savage commands ever bow
    Thus I return as warrior to my place
    And with divine aid thy great evil face!

    I that now pledge again my solemn vow
    With truth, courage and light defeat somehow
    Thy legions of destruction, thy hate
    Thy rejoining with darkest hand of Fate!

    In this my great oath, my renewed pledge
    Leave I safety, step over the edge
    Not as a man, with horrid, vengeful hate
    But crusader, before it is too late!

    Robert J. Lindley, began in April 1981

    ( Nemesis ) -- Part Two

    O' lord of darkness, my home- you I see
    As your dark minions so represent thee
    From dark-cast corners out they freely race
    Imbued with evil, devoid of grace.

    Accursed seeds of thy hate-spewing loins
    Free to tempt mankind with your poison coins
    Yet with Light and Truth this blackness I see
    As wickedness from thy hideous tree.

    Day and night into this old house they prance
    Whispering morbid curses as they dance
    I their buffoonery quickly defeat
    Off they go- flames burning from clawed feet.

    What an affront that such weaklings you send
    You in your pride -swift victory pretend
    For such foolishness I drew not my blade
    Defeating with pure relish your first raid.

    With Faith, Hope and Light, this warrior stands
    Never bowing to your evil demands
    I can see the future hour you take flight
    As you are expelled, ending our fight.

    Watch as this battle begins to unfold
    With same results as was in the days old
    Wherein, swift Sword of Light -cut you so deep
    That whilst flying away- black tears you weep.

    So set your mark- daring to bring your best
    For in defeat, I bid you be my guest
    Tomorrow morn, I again grab my shield
    To find what depths of blood shall be spilled.

    ( Nemesis ) -- Part Three

    Dawn breaks and sincerely its sweet calls sends
    Unaware of battle the future portends
    I the warrior polish my shield to shine
    Knowing on my soul the beast expects to dine.

    Yet from the dark shadows not a single word
    As wind brings the melody of a songbird
    My sword now unsheathed and razor sharp
    Above sounds the notes of a divine harp.

    Reminding today I face darkness and death
    I bow to pray in a whispering breath
    Have I greater faith in our God of Hosts
    For soon the dark lord my soul thinks to roast.

    Nature sends word- blessings be sent unto you
    May victory be yours, the best get its dues
    Suns beams down proclaiming a brighter day
    Golden rays beating away shadowy grays.

    From the distant hills a rumbling blast sounds
    Within this heaving chest, eager heart pounds
    Soon, so soon the great battle shall commence
    I summon courage to this soul convince.

    Suddenly sun flees away, dark clouds appear
    I know the dark Lord now grows very near
    Yet a new calm then within this heart grows
    Steadfast courage accepts the soon coming blows.

    I rise giving thanks the battle is not at night
    For victory I desperately need bright light
    Next the shadows all give a rousing cheer
    From immense darkness, the monster appears!

    ( Nemesis ) -- Part Four to come…

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2021


    The above was the point the poem had arrived at as of March 23rd, 2021.
    I had since completely forgotten about it. Even forgot my promise to complete it with the 4th Part.

    My plan is to start the conclusion later today.
    Sad thing is I may forget that plan... or else lose any inspiration to be able to compose..
    Such is the current state of my ongoing memory loss and how it affects my writings.
    This was started back in '81. One of my many poem fragments.
    I know I have so many that about a hundred fragments will likely never be completed.--Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Nothing came to me yesterday on this.. Some things are that which one simply can not force.
    I will read some Poe later today and hope that inspires me to do this ending to this poem..-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Nothing came so far.
    I guess tonight I will use my secret trick and jump start a verse or two-- then see if that -forced- priming gets me to a finished part.
    It has worked before- in about 1 out of 5 attempts..-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Finally came...-Tyr

    ( Nemesis ) (Conclusion) -- Part Four

    Suddenly as mammoth beast upward rears
    In its huge head, were seven ancient spears
    Evidence of past battles that failed
    Death may not come being spear impaled.

    Flash from my blade caught its fierce fiery eyes
    It shouting out your light this beast defies
    I that lived even before this earth
    Shall now measure your sharp steel, your true worth.

    With that a mighty claw swiped my shield
    Its sudden lunge shook the hard rocky field
    My sword caught the other claw in mid stroke
    Gashing out its red-blood to the ground soak.

    Next its horned tail swept me off my feet
    As it roared out, soon you I will eat
    Come feeble child, let us dance well today
    Or do you want time to uselessly pray.

    In anger my next stroke slashed its side
    My deep hatred I could no longer hide
    All my power went into the next blow
    More the hot gushing blood began to flow.

    Then it came, horrendous burning hot flame
    This was by far its most powerful game
    Only divine armor saved my life
    With its sacred words carved by my knife.

    Verum licet potentia animae caelum nunc pugnare*
    Force that only universe can compare
    Hideous beast roared-such is not fair
    I cried death- step closer if you dare.

    With epic pain and a maddening hate
    The mighty beast rushed to meet its fate
    As my blade went deep into its black heart
    Gone were the great powers those words impart.

    Death's answer as was destined to be
    By God's divine mercy was it not me
    The beast had met a much higher power
    Had succumbed at the appointed hour.

    Sky then opened, pleasing wind then blew
    I gazed at beast that divine words slew
    Kneeling, gave thanks to the Heavens above
    That we are given Light and Divine Love!

    Robert J. Lindley, 5-26-2021
    ( When This World Was Blessed With Divine Warriors And Divine Mercy )
    ( As Found In Tales Of Old )….

    1st Note: 5/26/2021

    *Verum licet potentia animae caelum nunc pugnare.
    Latin- Translated-
    "May with Heaven's true might this soul now fight."

    2nd note:
    Was a very hard task for me to find a way (time and energy),
    And an inspired ending for this narrative tale.
    The older I get, the harder it seems to write and be satisfied with the results.
    This will have to do- as perhaps the last time that comes --
    " Verum licet potentia animae caelum nunc pugnare "…

    3rd note-
    Will edit-- now added the ending to the previous three parts presented below.. -Tyr.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Nemesis, Confrontation And The Rejoined Battle,
    Now Completed

    (Nemesis) - Part One

    O'lord of blight dare thee to now abide
    Leaving thy abode to earthen realm ride
    As punisher with dark universal might
    As grief bearer, humanity to smite!

    Dar'est thee enter, after I so yield
    Sheathed my sword, tossed away my shield
    I that in sorrow abandoned battlefields
    Seeking love, sweet peace and love's greener fields!

    Venomous ire, thee again cross my path
    To wage war and sate thy evil wrath
    I that settled to in peace, here now live
    And in the earthen realm yet again give!

    Thee a true nemesis of fruitful life
    Author of Hate, Evil and Human strife
    Spreader of hate, plagues, and even worse
    Dark sower of thy ever wicked curse!

    Nemesis- thy hate I shall not allow
    Nor to its savage commands ever bow
    Thus I return as warrior to my place
    And with divine aid thy great evil face!

    I that now pledge again my solemn vow
    With truth, courage and light defeat somehow
    Thy legions of destruction, thy hate
    Thy rejoining with darkest hand of Fate!

    In this my great oath, my renewed pledge
    Leave I safety, step over the edge
    Not as a man, with horrid, vengeful hate
    But crusader, before it is too late!

    Robert J. Lindley, began in April 1981

    ( Nemesis ) -- Part Two

    O' lord of darkness, my home- you I see
    As your dark minions so represent thee
    From dark-cast corners out they freely race
    Imbued with evil, devoid of grace.

    Accursed seeds of thy hate-spewing loins
    Free to tempt mankind with your poison coins
    Yet with Light and Truth this blackness I see
    As wickedness from thy hideous tree.

    Day and night into this old house they prance
    Whispering morbid curses as they dance
    I their buffoonery quickly defeat
    Off they go- flames burning from clawed feet.

    What an affront that such weaklings you send
    You in your pride -swift victory pretend
    For such foolishness I drew not my blade
    Defeating with pure relish your first raid.

    With Faith, Hope and Light, this warrior stands
    Never bowing to your evil demands
    I can see the future hour you take flight
    As you are expelled, ending our fight.

    Watch as this battle begins to unfold
    With same results as was in the days old
    Wherein, swift Sword of Light -cut you so deep
    That whilst flying away- black tears you weep.

    So set your mark- daring to bring your best
    For in defeat, I bid you be my guest
    Tomorrow morn, I again grab my shield
    To find what depths of blood shall be spilled.

    ( Nemesis ) -- Part Three

    Dawn breaks and sincerely its sweet calls sends
    Unaware of battle the future portends
    I the warrior polish my shield to shine
    Knowing on my soul the beast expects to dine.

    Yet from the dark shadows not a single word
    As wind brings the melody of a songbird
    My sword now unsheathed and razor sharp
    Above sounds the notes of a divine harp.

    Reminding today I face darkness and death
    I bow to pray in a whispering breath
    Have I greater faith in our God of Hosts
    For soon the dark lord my soul thinks to roast.

    Nature sends word- blessings be sent unto you
    May victory be yours, the best get its dues
    Suns beams down proclaiming a brighter day
    Golden rays beating away shadowy grays.

    From the distant hills a rumbling blast sounds
    Within this heaving chest, eager heart pounds
    Soon, so soon the great battle shall commence
    I summon courage to this soul convince.

    Suddenly sun flees away, dark clouds appear
    I know the dark Lord now grows very near
    Yet a new calm then within this heart grows
    Steadfast courage accepts the soon coming blows.

    I rise giving thanks the battle is not at night
    For victory I desperately need bright light
    Next the shadows all give a rousing cheer
    From immense darkness, the monster appears!

    ( Nemesis ) (Conclusion) -- Part Four

    Suddenly as mammoth beast upward rears
    In its huge head, were seven ancient spears
    Evidence of past battles that failed
    Death may not come being spear impaled.

    Flash from my blade caught its fierce fiery eyes
    It shouting out your light this beast defies
    I that lived even before this earth
    Shall now measure your sharp steel, your true worth.

    With that a mighty claw swiped my shield
    Its sudden lunge shook the hard rocky field
    My sword caught the other claw in mid stroke
    Gashing out its red-blood to the ground soak.

    Next its horned tail swept me off my feet
    As it roared out, soon you I will eat
    Come feeble child, let us dance well today
    Or do you want time to uselessly pray.

    In anger my next stroke slashed its side
    My deep hatred I could no longer hide
    All my power went into the next blow
    More the hot gushing blood began to flow.

    Then it came, horrendous burning hot flame
    This was by far its most powerful game
    Only divine armor saved my life
    With its sacred words carved by my knife.

    Verum licet potentia animae caelum nunc pugnare*
    Force that only universe can compare
    Hideous beast roared-such is not fair
    I cried death- step closer if you dare.

    With epic pain and a maddening hate
    The mighty beast rushed to meet its fate
    As my blade went deep into its black heart
    Gone were the great powers those words impart.

    Death's answer as was destined to be
    By God's divine mercy was it not me
    The beast had met a much higher power
    Had succumbed at the appointed hour.

    Sky then opened, pleasing wind then blew
    I gazed at beast that divine words slew
    Kneeling, gave thanks to the Heavens above
    That we are given Light and Divine Love!

    Robert J. Lindley, 5-26-2021
    ( When This World Was Blessed With Divine Warriors And Divine Mercy )
    ( As Found In Tales Of Old )….

    1st Note: 5/26/2021

    *Verum licet potentia animae caelum nunc pugnare.
    Latin- Translated-
    "May with Heaven's true might this soul now fight."

    2nd note:
    Was a very hard task for me to find a way (time and energy),
    And an inspired ending for this narrative tale.
    The older I get, the harder it seems to write and be satisfied with the results.
    This will have to do- as perhaps the last time that comes --
    " Verum licet potentia animae caelum nunc pugnare "…

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2021
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Great writing and worth the wait!

    Not sure where you find the words. I get the bug like once or twice per year, and then have no discipline mostly with what I write. You not only find the perfect words but also have the discipline to your style - daily!
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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