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    Default Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Bill Targeting Critical Race Theory

    Good, this is one way to do it. And then let someone take it to the SC and hopefully end this shitty issue for good.


    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Bill Targeting Critical Race Theory

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law Tuesday a bill that outlines how schools in the state should teach students about race and racism and prohibits the teaching of what has become known as critical race theory.

    While the measure, House Bill 3979, does not specifically mention critical race theory, it mandates how the State Board of Education should frame its curriculum on history and takes effect on September 1.

    According to the new law, educators should not teach that “an individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of the individual ’s race or sex.” In addition, the legislation states schools cannot “require an understanding of The 1619 Project” and prevents schools from teaching that “an individual, by virtue of the individual’s race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex.”

    The legislation does provide, however, a list of acceptable works that can be relayed in the classrooms, such as Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” and his “I Have a Dream” speech.

    The bill also requires students be taught the “history of white supremacy, including but not limited to the institution of slavery, the eugenics movement, and the Ku Klux Klan, and the ways in which it is morally wrong.”

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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Start them young to know the real America, the racist white ran America... and prepare them on how to apologize for their privilege.


    Parents seeing through educrats’ lies about critical race theory can ‘fight the power’ and win

    It’s hard to know what’s worse — brainwashing kids or lying about it.

    Parents are worried that their kids are being indoctrinated with critical race theory — a highly ideological account of US history and society that frames the nation as irredeemably racist and white Americans as uniformly bigoted. But they can’t get straight answers. Local school officials lie to them, claiming children are merely being taught to be “critical thinkers.”

    On Saturday, the truth came out. Teachers unions and activists held rallies in 22 cities to support critical race theory — and the organizers have unabashedly made it clear the goal is to recruit students to far-left causes.

    The Zinn Education Project, which organized Saturday’s events, cranks out race-centric material for schools across the country. Lesson plans are free for schools to download. Parents wondering where the anti-American ideas their kids are getting come from can visit the Web site. Prepare to be shocked.

    The project was founded by the late Howard Zinn, a Marxist historian who famously said that teaching social studies wasn’t about dates and events and forming well-informed citizens: The goal, he insisted, was to impel students to want to change the world, overthrowing the status quo.

    A Zinn lesson called “Students Design a Reparations Bill” asks students to improve on the “flimsy” reparations bills floating in Congress. Critical thinking isn’t encouraged. This isn’t a debate about whether there should be reparations. It’s one-sided indoctrination. “As racial justice activists, students are all on the ‘same side’ in this role play,” says the Zinn site.

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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Libs here have to be screaming. Hope they get pissed enough to leave the state. Abbott and the Texas government have been putting the screws to them hard at every turn.

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    CRT is becoming one of the biggest issues out there today. And I'm not speaking about cathode ray tubes either!

    And in comes MSNBC to make it clear to everyone that either you support this in our schools or you are a flaming racist!

    Surprised? Telling the audience over and over that the only folks opposing this are racist. And that it's an intimidation tactic.

    I guess they don't realize that 266 other things they already discussed have made me a long time racist.


    MSNBC Defends Radical Racial Propaganda, Tars Critics as Dangerous

    MSNBC has continued its campaign against conservatives, slamming them for opposing the teachings of radical left-wing propaganda in schools, like critical race theory. On Tuesday’s episode of All In, host Chris Hayes brought on writer Brandy Zadrozny to discuss what they view as “a classic mobilization of right-wing backlash politics that’s really meant to punish and intimidate teachers and educators, administrators, school board members who would deem to discuss racism and white supremacy.”

    When discussing a parent’s fight against critical race theory being taught in Maine schools. Zadrozny smeared conservative parents as racist, misinformed individuals who are targeting and endangering school board members. She claimed the Maine parent was:

    ...on a crusade against what he coins critical race theory, against wokeness, against reverse racism, against all of these sort of invented ideas by conservatives that, you know, teachers in schools are indoctrinated --- indoctrinating children and causing, you know, white kids to feel like they are oppressors or somehow endangering them in that way....And it just turned into this insane thing where now the police are involved, somebody set up a billboard on front of his lawn with school board members. And what it’s really indicative of is that people, school boards, teachers, like you said, are really being targeted.
    Zardrozny did not mention that this parent was justifiably concerned about his child’s education because leftist education agendas such as critical race theory and the 1619 Project include numerous historical inaccuracies and paint false pictures of American history and politics.

    Hayes and Zardrozny failed to look into the details of the parent’s concerns and shifted the blame to prominent conservative organizations and Donald Trump: “And it’s being left up on by national organizations from the Heritage Foundation, to ALEC, to other groups that have popped up after the Trump presidency to sort of push this American First agenda. And it’s also being, you know, roundly embraced by news organizations, like you mentioned, like Fox News, Breitbart, other right-wing organizations who are just covering this stuff en masse when it’s really a local issue.”

    There was no mention of these organization's efforts to defend traditional values and promote education that isn’t based on inaccurate leftist campaigns. These attacks that attempt to discredit conservatives are not surprising as the liberal media continues to spend the majority of its time pushing their radical agenda and villainizing anyone who opposes it.

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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    CRT is becoming one of the biggest issues out there today. And I'm not speaking about cathode ray tubes either!

    And in comes MSNBC to make it clear to everyone that either you support this in our schools or you are a flaming racist!

    Surprised? Telling the audience over and over that the only folks opposing this are racist. And that it's an intimidation tactic.

    I guess they don't realize that 266 other things they already discussed have made me a long time racist.


    MSNBC Defends Radical Racial Propaganda, Tars Critics as Dangerous

    MSNBC has continued its campaign against conservatives, slamming them for opposing the teachings of radical left-wing propaganda in schools, like critical race theory. On Tuesday’s episode of All In, host Chris Hayes brought on writer Brandy Zadrozny to discuss what they view as “a classic mobilization of right-wing backlash politics that’s really meant to punish and intimidate teachers and educators, administrators, school board members who would deem to discuss racism and white supremacy.”

    When discussing a parent’s fight against critical race theory being taught in Maine schools. Zadrozny smeared conservative parents as racist, misinformed individuals who are targeting and endangering school board members. She claimed the Maine parent was:

    Zardrozny did not mention that this parent was justifiably concerned about his child’s education because leftist education agendas such as critical race theory and the 1619 Project include numerous historical inaccuracies and paint false pictures of American history and politics.

    Hayes and Zardrozny failed to look into the details of the parent’s concerns and shifted the blame to prominent conservative organizations and Donald Trump: “And it’s being left up on by national organizations from the Heritage Foundation, to ALEC, to other groups that have popped up after the Trump presidency to sort of push this American First agenda. And it’s also being, you know, roundly embraced by news organizations, like you mentioned, like Fox News, Breitbart, other right-wing organizations who are just covering this stuff en masse when it’s really a local issue.”

    There was no mention of these organization's efforts to defend traditional values and promote education that isn’t based on inaccurate leftist campaigns. These attacks that attempt to discredit conservatives are not surprising as the liberal media continues to spend the majority of its time pushing their radical agenda and villainizing anyone who opposes it.

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    As far as I am concerned, the MSM is the enemy of this Nation and the World.

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