Does this knucklehead understand the difference between a) voting in SC justices & then b) hearing cases and making decisions - without politics involved?

And even if this person or the entire left somehow think that this court doesn't "deserve" to rule on Roe/Wade - tough shit and again, deal with it.


This Supreme Court, built by politics, doesn't deserve to rule on Roe v. Wade

Supreme Court justices are fond of claiming that their decisions are not influenced by politics.

Conservatives, in particular, insist that only the Constitution (originalism) and laws (textualism) truly matter. Justices across the ideological spectrum also pay heed to precedent, usually when it suits their cause.

But if politics doesn’t belong in the debate about Roe v. Wade, the court should have the humility to recognize that it is, perhaps more than any of its predecessors, the Court That Politics Built. The very existence of today’s conservative majority is due to blatant power politics.


►The seat occupied by Justice Neil Gorsuch, a stickler on originalism and textualism, should have gone to Attorney General Merrick Garland. When Justice Antonin Scalia died in 2016, President Barack Obama nominated Garland, then a prominent federal appeals court judge, to take his place. But Senate Republicans refused to consider the nomination in an election year.

"blatant power politics" is what they call it. I call it having numbers in your favor. Just as some said now as Ketanji Brown Jackson was voted in. As folks say on both sides - elections have consequences. Republicans had numbers in their favor both before and after here.

►The seat occupied by Justice Brett Kavanaugh, now the likely swing vote on abortion, was vacated by Justice Anthony Kennedy. It was Kennedy who helped craft the 1992 compromise ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey upholding the right to abortion

Partly what they get for the vitriol, abuse & lies they spouted on Kavanaugh. Again, simple numbers.

►The seat occupied by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a firm opponent of abortion on a personal level, had been held by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an equally firm proponent of reproductive rights. Ignoring the standard it set four years earlier, the Senate rushed to confirm Barrett just days before voters defeated her benefactor, Donald Trump.

One out and one in, a 2 vote jump in one. And just like that, a super majority was created.

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