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  1. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    ^Haven't seen Pat Buchanan in a minute.
    Nevertheless we're no closer now than then let alone 1947.
    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Well at least we've moved from
    ...."world gov't is a crazy conspiracy theory!"
    to what sounds like...
    ...-Well it is real .... and it's been worked on since 1947 ....but it's still no closer to happening than the 1940's, so who cares.-

    That is a move in the direction of reality.
    But I have to say either you're being willingly blind or simply not looking at the larger picture.

    Those in favor of world gov't have created various parts of the system they've outlined.
    starting with the UN
    then the EU,
    and the Euro
    making moves toward a world digital currency
    They've Expanded NATO
    Made China an integrated part of the world economy,
    created the AU/African Union
    Expanding treaties & trade agreements (via the UN & others) including:
    the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules
    NAFTA (now the USMCA)
    Global "climate" treaties
    Global "Food Code" The Codex Alimentarius
    Still Pushing the TPP
    The patch work acceptance world wide of things like Agenda 21/30 for land use
    And a World Court

    just to name a few ways they moved the ball FJ.

    This Years WORLD GOVERNMENT SUMMIT is just another stepping stone to what they want.
    It's not some small biz 2 or 3 year plan they're working on. And like any plan it morphs as it's played out.

    You can pretend to yourself that it's nothing to worry about but don't try to con us into thinking it's not happening.
    To anyone deciding to pay attention it's like watching vines grow over a neglected mansion.
    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    Then you completely misread my post. My quote from another thread still stands unreplied to. I also have no idea why you think trade agreements are evidence of one world government.
    I'm not sure what i misread.
    ..."no closer now than... 1947"
    no closer tooo "World Government", correct?

    Your quote from the other thread talking about seeing all these changes as positives... lifting all boats .
    Well to me that comes across as a very light version of old imperialist talk about bringing "civilization" to the backwards people of the world, while enslaving, raping and stealing resources.

    Look FJ, here's an example, it's great to be able to send people money over the internet, Until the government (or World Gov't) decides they don't want you to have any money. Freezes/Seizes your digital assets from the banks, paypal, gofundme etc etc, as has been done to truckers and various alt news sources and activist.

    We could "focus on the the positives" but it would be silly not to Acknowledge and try to DEFUSE all the the very real negatives, AND promote the DE-Centralized alternatives. Starting with Nationalism and the constitution.
    Personally I am a nationalist. Even though some think I "hate America" I do not. I think America is (was) a GREAT work in progress.
    And i want National sovereignty
    and State sovereignty
    and local sovereignty
    and personal sovereignty
    Under the U.S. constitution

    Which brings me to answer your other question abut what's wrong with international trade agreements.
    The short answer is that they TAKE AWAY all the sovereignty I mentioned above piecemeal.
    they create regulations and standards "laws" that have to be adhered to which NO ONE on the local state level agreed to.
    And on the national level they have no right to delegate the sovereignty to unelected international bodies who create them and change them.
    Bodies made up of bureaucrats and representative of big biz.
    The "free trade agreements" go beyond mere "free trade" and effect things like environmental laws and labor laws outright.
    and some like the TPP specifically outlined rules so that member corporations could not be tried in U.S. courts for wrong doing but were only subject to discipline from some outside group authorized by the TPP. where the potentially offending corporate entity had a seat of influence.

    so that's part of the problem FJ.
    If they were simply agreements about Tariffs and "customs" rules they wouldn't be a major issue but they are more.
    and intentionally so... creating a web of "trade" laws that help create ONE international system of laws by default.
    Last edited by revelarts; 05-13-2022 at 03:28 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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