Same as the idiots who stopped drinking Corona beer and other stupid shit.

Anyone harms an innocent monkey near me will die!


W.H.O. Calls for an End to Persecution of Monkeys amid Monkeypox Outbreak

Step away from the monkeys and leave the embattled creatures alone. That is the strict order from the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) in the wake of the global monkeypox outbreak.

The call follows reports the primates have been poisoned and killed in Brazil by those seeking misplaced vengeance against the presumed source of the contagion.

Brazilian news website G1 reported on Sunday ten monkeys had been poisoned in less than a week in the city of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, in Sao Paulo state. Similar incidents were reported in other cities, AP reports.

“What people need to know is that the transmission we are seeing is happening between humans,” W.H.O. spokesperson Dr. Margaret Harris said at a press briefing Tuesday at the U.N. organization’s headquarters in Geneva, in Geneva.

Brazil counts more than 1,700 cases of monkeypox, according to the W.H.O.’s own figures.

The country’s health ministry confirmed one death related to the disease on July 29. The victim was a man who had low immunity and comorbidities, the AP report sets out.

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