The Miracle Not-Heard Around The World: The Success of Uttar Pradesh - Part 3
While Uttar Pradesh was "quietly" eradicating COVID, India adopted ivermectin nationally to combat the disastrous Delta wave. The impact of that decision is the world's 2nd biggest criminal secret.

Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

In Part 1 and Part 2, I laid out the structure, function, and escalation of Uttar Pradesh’s (UP) “Test, Track, and Treat”(TTT) Program, which achieved what was essentially a zero infection rate across the state by September of 2021. In this post, I present what was happening at the Federal level in India during the time that UP was eradicating COVID.

India’s Federal COVID Response

Although I will denounce some aspects of corruption by the Federal Health Agencies in India by the end of this post, I have to give the “Indian Feds” credit for having started out on the right foot in early 2020. They, like UP, started with a goal of trying to protect the country’s population by investigating the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in prevention and treatment for COVID.

Already by March of 2020, the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), an advisory of leading medical centers and central government hospitals, issued a recommendation for the use of HCQ in prevention for Health Care Workers (HCW) across the country. Further, the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) even suggested its use in treatment while also indicating that ivermectin could be used as an alternative! Check it out:

Can Ivermectin be used for COVID patients?
Ivermectin has been found to be a potent inhibitor of SARS CoV2 replication in vitro, but the doses required to achieve this effect in vivo far exceeds the usual dose. It is currently not recommended in the national guidelines but can be used in patients in whom HCQ is contraindicated (September 2020. AIIMSeICUsFAQs01SEP.pdf)

What isn’t funny is how they arrived at that suggestion despite including one of the more famous disinformation narratives against ivermectin that circled the globe, you know the one about how effective concentrations would be unobtainable in humans. Paul Marik, Andrew Hill, and I presented data from Caly and Wagstaff of Monash University which debunked that narrative in January 2021 to the NIH treatment Guidelines Panel. Apparently they never saw fit to share it with the world.

Contrast India’s bold moves above with what the United States of Pharma (USOP) was doing in response to COVID. The US Feds very quickly started pulling some of their first blatantly corrupt moves, likely sparked by the fear of the consequences of the world’s second most populated country deciding to deploy, gasp.. generic, repurposed drugs to combat the pandemic.

In retrospect, Fauci’s actions are horrifying (again, he effectively controls the FDA, CDC, and NIH). One week later, on March 28, 2020, the CDC issued a Health Advisory warning of the dangers of HCQ use (they employed this identical disinformation tactic 18 months later against ivermectin). Then two weeks after that, the CDC went further and removed their prior “soft” recommendation for HCQ with the statement: “there are no drugs or other therapeutics approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to prevent or treat COVID-19.”

It should go without saying to readers of my Substack that the PFDA (remember, the P is not a typo) does not guide the practice of medicine, a sleight of hand trick the CDC uses often. There is no requirement for the PFDA to “approve” any medicine for use in COVID that has already been granted PFDA approval previously for another condition. Well, at least that was the rule until HCQ and IVM came along threatening Big Pharma’s entire vaccine and therapeutics market for COVID. The bulletins above then influenced all the Medical Associations, Medical Boards, and Pharmacy Boards into scaring physicians and pharmacists across the land into stopping prescribing and/or filling two of the world’s safest medications. Fortunately, in the past months, many states of the USOP have fought back against Fauci’s Federal Health Agencies, so much so that 42 of 50 states have either active, pending, or passed legislation protecting physicians and pharmacists to talk about and/or prescribe and fill repurposed medications to treat COVID.

The USOP did not stop there. The CDC’s criminal actions were followed a week later by the PFDA posting this bulletin cautioning against use “outside of the hospital setting.” This move was historic to me personally, because it was the first time in the pandemic that I was shocked by the supposed idiocy of U.S. federal therapeutics policy. I thought, “man are they being stupid, anyone knows that if an antiviral is going to work, it has to be given within the first days of illness. Why would they restrict it to the hospital’s hyper-inflammatory phase, where live virus is present in so few?”

It didn’t take me too long to realize that their policies were, rather than “stupid,” instead wickedly malevolent in clearing the new, global marketplace for their wares. It was the direct cause of the ensuing humanitarian catastrophe. We now know that had they gone “all in” on early treatment like UP, many hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved in the U.S. alone and it would have prevented them from pulling off the devastatingly lethal vaccine fraud.

These nonsensical and corrupt federal policy pronouncements were then followed by what I would learn in time to be the standard pattern of Big Pharma Disinformation campaigns. Major media articles and medical journal publications began to appear, cautioning and/or attacking decisions like India’s. Here is one in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. These “cautioning” types of articles, trying to dissuade the empirical use of safe, promising, repurposed drugs during a public health catastrophe, shocks me to this day. In my recent post on the fraudulent TOGETHER ivermectin trial, I gave similar examples in relation to ivermectin.

In contrast to the USOP, the prestigious ICMR quickly conducted a trial of HCQ in prevention and found it reduced infection rates by up to 80%. They began exporting it to many countries around the world and were still recommending it in June of 2020. However, by July, the ICMR was starting to get cold feet, as detailed in this article, triggered when the WHO started publishing their fraudulent hospital trials on HCQ.

The Delta Wave Hits

The Delta wave starts to wreak havoc in India beginning February of 2021. The crisis leads television broadcasts and newspaper headlines across the world. So what did India’s Federal Agencies do in response to this historic crisis? They again did the right thing! On April 22nd, the Ministry of Health, the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) and Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) updated the national COVID-19 treatment protocol. The new protocol recommended Ivermectin and budesonide for all patients with a mild case of COVID.

For the enemies of ivermectin (which are many), this was NOT good. Again, the world’s 2nd largest country recommending ivermectin to over a billion people? This absolutely freaked out the WHO as I will detail below (it should go without saying that the WHO is controlled by and effectively represents Big Pharma and Bill Gates).

Get this, they even recommended it for 3-5 days! ...

long article more at link...