Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
Even without the accusation he's loaded down with baggage. Considering he took the biden-in-his-basement path the winning the primary it should have been obvious he'd be severely tested in the general and it looks like his family is not surprised. Without this he may have squeaked in but with this there may be thousands that won't necessarily change their vote but may just abstain from the Senate race this time around. Warnock is a bit of "hey, vote for me" but probably more "hey, you really don't wanna vote for that guy do you?"

But we should look and see which part of the process is broken down. This should have been almost a cake-walk for just about any other candidate but it wasn't because someone is mad.
The part of the process that is broken down is the part that is supposed to take care of itself. The people that thought up this wonderful, self-policing process are long gone and none of the current fools know a damned thing about it.

It is mind-boggling to me that the GOP and its constituents can keep doing the same stupid shit, election after election, decade after decade, and can't get a fukkin clue.

Where's the RNC? What exactly is it they do? They're supposed to be overseeing this bullshit and I haven't head a damned consequential word from it since at least the 80s, if then.

A year ago this was unfuckwithable. The Dems haven't done anything to win. The Republican't's have done everything to lose.

I want Ukraine to win its war so I can move there. I prefer Eastern Europe to the shithole this place has become.