A massive spy balloon traverses the entire USA but then they get skittish and shoot down a hobbyist $15 balloon?

If this is true it would be a pathetic mistake....

Sorry if this has been brought up already!


“We May Never Know” – John Kirby Amid Reports Biden Ordered $10 Hobby Balloon Shot Down by $400,000 Missile

NSC spox John Kirby appeared on Fox News Sunday to discuss the objects shot down over Lake Huron and Alaska.

Three objects were shot down last week – one over the Yukon in Canadian airspace and two over US airspace.

Joe Biden on Thursday said the three objects shot down by $400,000 sidewinders were likely weather balloons.

It is believed that one of the objects shot down was a $10 balloon.

The Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade told POLITICO it believes one of the balloons shot down by the military by a $400,000 missile was theirs.

The cost of that balloon: $10-$15

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/202...missile-video/