Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
My ad blocker didn't let me read it the 1st time around.
and seems the article is admittedly a lot of speculation and thin "science".

But i never said you were for or against it, I just posted my POV.

And I'm very much inline with your last bit here.
We have to look at ALL the science and not pretend that everything from ANY source (no matter how many times its been wrong) is total BS.
That's my general stance on information in general.
political, scientific, historical etc.
no source is by default excluded IF they can present good evidence or reason for their POV.
So called crackpots, crazies, conspiracist, criminals, & other non conformist all get a place at the table in my book.
Heck even people in the military have a few bits of info about a few things that shed light on some issues.