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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    That is clear.
    Most important foundation of the LAW.

    AHZ, What happens when you break the law? Or break the golden rule?
    What do you do with your guilt?
    Guilt is just as innately real as the internal morals that expose it.

    EVERYONE is guilty of NOT following the golden rule in small and large degrees.
    Jesus told Peter and the apostles the most important thing is
    "...He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name...”

    Wether or not you think that's the best approach is your opinion.
    Jesus said THAT'S what Peter and his followers should lead to... if not lead with.

    Why? Because the guilt of each of us from not always following the golden rule has to be dealt with.

    Wether you believe it or not is between you and God.
    But there's plenty of evidence to back it up to make a rational step into that belief.
    If you want to see it. A lot is self evident.

    BTW I just found out Sunday that a popular YouTube atheist who called himself "Cosmic Skeptic" became a Christian some time last year.
    now calls himself "Cosmic Christian". He became a Christian AFTER looking at the evidence. Not by torture, or blind faith, or appeals to authority.

    so you do or don't want a theocracy?

    i never said all christians came to it by torture. but people have been murdered for not believing or agreeing with items in the nicene creed. thought crimes.

    i think that's wrong.
    Last edited by AHZ; 08-28-2023 at 04:13 PM.

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