Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
Son, Our Love Is Infinity Deep And Eternally True

Gibraltar is a mere pebble compared to our love for you
My dearest son, your handsome face, pretty eyes we see
We think of your better welfare in all these things we do
And we pray Heaven's truest blessings upon you and me
As a baby mom and we gave our love, spoon fed to you
And around the clock we both saw to your every nee
We bought you all playthings and dearest toys brand new
Watched you in your slumber, prayed deeply for you too.

Pray we in your future you find happiness and true love
A wife beautiful and very deeply in love with you
For we know this dark world exists with its push and shove
Son, our love is infinity deep and eternally true!

May our Lord's blessings follow you all of your live long days
And we be here to help you when we are both old and gray.

Robert J. Lindley, Sonnet

Note: Gibraltar is a monolithic promontory.

Note- Composed to and for our beloved son Justin Ryan-Tapican Lindley
I've passed Gibraltar several times. Bigger than Life, and Unforgettable. Just like Love for us Old and Gray.