So I'm no angel. I know I know, hard to believe. Once upon a time after my high school years I was a bit reckless at times and hanging with the wrong folks at the wrong places at the wrong times. All bad decisions I made with my own choices.

But whatever trouble I may or may not have gotten in after the age of 18 is now a part of deleted history. That's correct, I am no longer a dirtbag today. I can officially say that I am 100% crime free and NEVER have been arrested or in trouble with authorities before. Never got in trouble really underage so good there too.

But any expungement that may or may not have been applied for has now been signed off on by a judge.

The most pertinent line within, out of a ton of orders to many agencies, but this is all that matters to me after all of this time on my shoulders:

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that in response to requests for information or records, the court office or law enforcement agency shall reply with respect to the arrest/conviction/adjudication/disposition, which is the subject of this Order, that there is no record.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the arrest/conviction/adjudication/disposition, which is the subject of this Order, shall be deemed not to have occurred, and the petitioner may answer accordingly any question relating to this occurrence pursuant to N.J.S.A. (then code name)
And of course, as hinted at, this was also sent electronically and snail mail to myself & every law enforcement known to man and all any courts related in NJ.

Free at last!