Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
You don't have one thing to worry about as far as the Freemasons are concerned, 5stringer. If you know one (then he is not a secret to you, correct?) ask him for a petition to join a lodge. If found worthy and acceptable your petition will be accepted and you can be a witness to all that I have witnessed insofar as Mason's are concerned. I have fought through this battle on left and right wing boards before.

I leave my blue (some are black books) book (the bible of Blue Lodge activities) on my coffee table for all to see and ask questions about. No secret in that!!!!!!!!!!! Ask for a petition to join!!!! If you can't afford the initiation fees (believe me, we will already know that) your fees will be paid by your recommender or waived altogether if you are indeed found worthy and acceptable.

I was raised a Mason in 1979 and I have never for one moment regretted it!!!!!!!!! I am also a member of the York Rite and a Knight Templar (someone else refered to them as Templar Knights in this thread) and through all of my degrees I have never seen one single thing that is contrary to any American, religious, citizen or personal value that I hold.

If you are indeed curious then I suggest you petition a lodge for membership. You, your family and your friends are all welcome to know about your membership and participation!!!!!!! All that "secret stuff" is about the internal workings of the lodge. You'll get it when you get it. Dig it?
I was master of my Lodge in the year 2005 and was raised in 1997.