This movie is really good in some parts and really scary in others. It's the story of a low-level army employee who is cryogenically frozen under the stipulation that he'll be thawed out a year later. Things go awry, and he wakes up in the year 2505, which is now overrun with rampant commercialization. In addition, society's IQ has dropped in a major way, reducing the average person to a complete moron.

So, it's really funny, first of all. Not a ton of laugh-out-loud jokes, but a whole lot of very smart, subtle jokes. Mike Judge (Beavis and Butthead, Office Space) wrote and directed it, and it's definitely his style of humor (i.e. using very lowbrow humor to get highbrow points across).

What sucks is that this movie was pretty much shut down by FOX, the company that financed it. Despite having a decent leading man (Luke Wilson), a pretty decent, original story (if you ignore Futurama), and a sort of big-name director behind it, the movie was given a very, very limited theatrical run and more or less no advertisement. While this may not be the case, I can't help but wonder if the reason it was treated so badly is because it attacks big corporations such as the studio that financed it. Either way, it wasn't the kind of movie that would be really popular, anyway, but it didn't deserve to get crapped on the way it did. Hopefully, like Office Space, it'll have a much better life on video than it did in theaters.