A few people on here as well as a few people in "the real world" have told me I was a nice guy lately. It's just not true!

I drink whenever I can.
I smoke like a chimney.
I am a Catholic, but rarely read the bible and very rarely attend services.
I am lazy.
I am arrogant.
I have a bad attitude.
I dislike authority.
I have a nasty streak about me.
I am devious.
I am a pervert.
I am a slob.
I laugh when I see others pulled over by the cops.
I go to "fight sites" on the 'net so I can watch people get beat up.
I start fights at every opportunity.
I judge people I never even met.
I don't pay my bills on time.
I treat my dogs better than myself.
I'll gobble up or smoke any narcotics you may have.
I've stolen much from places I've been employed at.

I can think of some more if anyone needs additional convincing. I am a dirtbag, and please treat me as such.

I don't want people to speak nicely to me because I own this community. I only ask that you respect the rules. But I'm just another scumbag from the streets!

Thank you.

Carry on.