I was able to handle the last 3-4 months but am coming up short again. The server fee for the site will soon be due at the cost of $29.97

Additionally, the fee is also due to continue support for our vBulletin license. I own the license, so I can run it forever at no additional cost. But in order to download script updates and modifications, there is a $30 yearly renewal fee. I am attaching photos below of the reminder email and member section of their site in case anyone thinks I would try and pull a fast one!

One way or another the fees will be paid. Please don't think this is in anyway mandatory. The board will remain no matter what. I'm just hoping those that utilize the board and enjoy their time here will assist when and if possible.

If you have contributed before, please don't do so once again. I don't expect members to fully sponsor the board. But sometimes it becomes necessary for me to seek assistance in keeping things afloat.

Again, not mandatory, expected or 100% necessary. I'll get the funds somehow if it can't be from board membership.

If you enjoy the board and feel you would like to assist, click on the Paypal logo at the top of the board to make a donation.
