Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
I'll have to side with her on this issue. I've owned at least 30 cats over the years. After having a few de-clawed I will never do so again. Watching the poor little buggers struggling to get around in pain for a few days, watching them attempt to use the claws that are no longer there... And I don't care what any professional says, you simply cannot allow a cat back into the wild again once you take it's only line of defense away.

Whether a dog or a cat, you know what you're getting into when you get one, or at least you should before taking on such a responsibility. Teach them, train them, or even bring them to obedience training if you can't get the job done yourself. But don't simply complain or toss an animal out when it only does what is instinctive to itself.
I am a convert. I never had cats before we were married and she brought two of them along when we started.... we used to have five, now four... and I have no interest in causing them any pain.... furniture is just furniture. With four cats and two dogs, I basically live in a barn anyhow.... our home will never be on the "homes beautiful tour" so I really don't let the scratched up upholstery bother me anymore at all. We're comfortable.