There's been a lot of personal attacks on here lately, and I'm probably one of the worst offenders as of late. My temper has gotten the best of me during some lively debates and I got frustrated and went for the jugular. MFM was right, not very becoming of the board owner.

I don't want to fade away from debating, so I'm going to do my best to take a deep breath before my replies in the debates and try and remain on topic and win where it counts most - with facts and common sense. I hope most of you will take my lead. Have fun with the sarcasm all you like as I think a degree of it is needed to have some personality around here, but things have gotten a bit personal at times and I've embarrassed myself.

My apologies to anyone who might have been offended by my words. It's a message board, and my intent is to "one up" the person I'm sending my message to. But I should know better than to one up them with classless comments. I'll stick to good 'ol fashioned humor, wit and sarcasm if need be, but I'm gonna try hard to leave the attacks out.