Overheard on the Sean Hannity Show this afternoon on the drive home from work:

Sean: “Let’s go to Fred from Chicago. Fred, you’re on the Sean Hannity Show”

Fred: “Sean, thanks for taking my call. You are a great American”

Sean: "Fred, YOU are a great American...”


How in the world can Sean Hannity possibly know that this disembodied voice claiming to be Fred from Chicago belongs to a man who is, in fact, a “GREAT AMERICAN”???? The ONLY thing that Sean Hannity knows about Fred is that Fred thinks that SEAN is a great American. Is Sean Hannity so egocentric and vain that he believes the someone’s expression of HIS “great American“-ness is all it takes to make that someone a “great American” as well?

I immediately flashed to Star Trek episodes where Vulcans greeted one another with “Live Long and Prosper”.

“You are a Great American” “You are a Great American” “You are a Great American” “You are a Great American" “You are a Great American” “You are a Great American"... it has become a mindless greeting for people who apparently don’t really know what it means.

If Jeffrey Dahmer were alive today and called Sean Hannity and Sean had said, Let’s go to Jeffrey from Milwaukee. Jeffrey, you’re on the Sean Hannity Show and Jeffrey had said, Sean you are a great American, you KNOW that Hannity would have replied, And YOU are a “great American“, Jeffrey... or... YOU are a “great American“, Tim McVeigh... or... YOU are a “great American“, Benedict Arnold.

It is clear to me that Sean Hannity does not have a fucking CLUE what being a “great American” entails. It CERTAINLY entails MORE than being an adoring fan of Sean Hannity, that is for DAMNED sure.