"Weenis Liberalis Syndrome" (WLS)

Newly Discovered Genetic Defect

The "W" gene, variously referred to as the "wuss" or "wussie" gene, "Girlie Girl" gene, and the "Pussy" gene, has been identified as the cause of Liberalism.

The defect, "Weenis Liberalis Syndrome" (WLS), is said to afflict over 29% of the population, with 8% of those being active carriers.

As per Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Ed., Text Revision.

Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press; 2003.
DSM-IV_2a. WLS is characterized by the following symptoms:

)_ Post adolescent Bed wetting.
)_ Fear of George W. Bush.
)_ Frightened by Adults.
)_ Excessively narcissistic.
)_ Compulsion to name call; especially when losing an argument.
)_ Unable to relate to History at any level.
)_ Unable to acknowledge own mistakes.
)_ Cannot take criticism.
)_ Inability to differentiate between right and wrong, good and bad.
)_ Criminality versus legitimacy is a foreign concept.
)_ Lying in response to any contention.
)_ Fear of the dark.
)_ Guilt, real or imagined, is sexually arousing.
)_ Hates America.
)_ Fears the Military.
)_ Frightened by US Flag.
)_ Unable to remember words to the Pledge of Allegiance.
)_ Considers belief in Christian God a weakness.
)_ Compulsion to come to the defense of "evil doers."
)_ Intolerant of others' beliefs.
)_ Unable to Learn: habitually repeats Bad Behavior.
)_ Inability to Accept Responsibility; need to Blame Others.
)_ Fear of Free Elections; overpowering need to alter "adverse" results.
)_ Inability to Laugh at, or recognize, humor; laughter is used derisively.
)_ Abortion does not equate to the taking of a life (murder), and is OK.
)_ The killing of a Puppy--in utero--is "cruel."

U.S. Department of Justice announces new constituency for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-
WASHINGTON (Reuters)_ As of July 1, 2004, members of the Democratic Party will be eligible for ADA benefits. Liberalism is officially recognized as a Class II Disability.

Some Notable Victims and Carriers of WLS:-

Adam Clymer * - Al Frankin - AL Sharpton - Alan Dershowitz
Albert Gore Jr * - Alec Baldwin - Ani DiFranco - Ann Louis *
Ann Richards - Barbara Strisand - Barney Frank * - Ben Cohen
Bernard Shaw * - Bianca Jagger * - Bill Clinton * - Bill Maher
Bill Richardson - Bill Schneider - Bob Schieffer * - Bono
Bruce Babbitt - Bryant Gumbel - Charles Rangel * - Charles Schumer *
Charley Rose - Cher - Chris Christofferson - Chrissie Hynde
Cokie Roberts * - Dan Rather * - Danny Glover - Dave Matthews David Bonior *
David Clennon - David Dinkins - Deepak Chopra * - Donald Sutherland
Dustin Hoffman - Ed Asner * - Ed Gernon - Ed Harris
Editorial Writers: LAT Editorial Writers: NYT Editorial Writers: WP
Edward Norton - Gabriel Bryne - George Carlin - George Clooney
George Voinovich - Geraldo Rivera - Glenn Close - Gore Vidal *
Harry Belafonte - Harvey Weinstein - Heath Ledger - Henry Waxman *
Hilary Clinton * - Jackson Browne - James Carville - Jane Fonda *
Janeane Garofalo - Janet Reno - Jennifer Anniston - Jerry Brown * - Jessica Lange
Jessie Jackson * - Jim Lehrer - Jimmy Breslin * - John Mellencamp
Joseph Lieberman - Judy Woodruff * - Julia Roberts - Kattie Courick
Kweisi Mfume * - Larry Hagman - Lawrence Walsh - Louis Farakhan *
Madeleine Albright * - Madonna - Marcia Ball - Mario Cuomo Jr
Mario Cuomo Sr * - Marion Berry - Mark Shields * - Marlo Thomas
Martin Scorsese - Martin Sheen * - Maxine Waters - Meryl Streep
Michael Moore * - Mike Farrell - Natalie Maines - Nina Totenberg *
Oliver Stone * - Olympia Snowe - Pat Schroeder * - Paul Rodrigues
Paula Cole - Peter Gabriel - Peter Jennings * - Phil Donohue *
Ramsey Clark * - Richard Gephardt - Richard Gere - Robert Altman *
Robin Williams - Rosario Dawson - Rosie O'Donnell - Sandra Bernhard
Sean Combs - Sean Penn - Sheryl Crow - Spike Lee * - Stockard Channing
Studs Turkel * - Susan Sarandon - Ted Danson - Ted Kenndy * - Ted Turner *
Tim Robbins - Tom Daschle * - Viggo Mortensen - Walter Cronkite * - Warren Christopher

Please add to list as you see fit:

Willie Nelson
