By Michelle Malkin • November 14, 2007 12:51 AM On Monday, I told you about the moonbat convergence in Olympia, Washington, where children are being used as human shields by anti-war zealots trying to block military shipments to and from Iraq. The demonstrators continue to run wild. Their latest acts of destruction and sabotage? Pouring cement on train tracks:

Activists protesting military shipments at the Port of Olympia poured cement over railroad tracks to try to block shipments coming out of the Port today, according to Olympia police. Nobody was arrested after protesters unsuccessfully tried to keep trains from leaving the Port, said Olympia police Lt. Jim Costa. The Port cleaned up the cement, Costa said.
Nobody was arrested? The Port cleaned up the cement? Can you spell a-n-a-r-c-h-y? A member of the far Left Portland Indymedia site trumpeted the dangerous vandalism here.

The unhinged mob is out of control and it’s not done yet. Watch what your fellow Americans are doing in Olympia to “support the troops:”
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The Olympian’s photo gallery of the week’s mob takeover is here. More:

For the second time in a week, protesters stopped military equipment from moving out of the Port of Olympia today. A couple of vehicles attempted to leave around 8:30 a.m. but with no police on scene were stopped by protesters standing across the access road…

It’s unclear why either the police or the military would believe they could move out military equipment unimpeded as they’ve met resistance on every attempt so far.
Protesters were allowing civilian vehicles to exit the port.

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