My apologies this is long. More true life shit about terrible people from your friendly neighborhood powerman:

And I thought I hate lawyers before

My definition of lawyers – blood sucking leaches who are an effective extension of the government who try to manipulate the law in order to screw decent hard working people out of their well earned money.

It can happen to anyone without their direct knowledge of the situation. Class action lawyers routinely line their empty suit pockets with money from consumers by “sticking it” to the corporation. The theory is that corporations (who employ plenty of hard working fellows like me and you) can somehow “absorb” the cost of litigation. Of course that’s absurd. Companies are in business to make money and the only people who “absorb” these costs are consumers who are ignorant pawns in the dirty game of class action law suits. But to well read people this is old news. You haven’t learned anything you already didn’t know up until this point.

We’ve been taught since birth that lawyers (and the legal system in general) are looking out for our common good. Once again anyone who has any formal education knows this is bullshit. But you would think that with this alleged theory in mind that lawyers would be at least SOMEWHAT ethical. Maybe I’m a bit naïve and too optimistic but I’ve recently learned through experience (virtue of a friend of mine) that ethics is that last thing that lawyers are concerned about.

So this is where my short story begins: I recently moved into a nice one bedroom apartment near the south gates of LSU’s beautiful oak filled campus. The building is owned by several physical therapists who own a practice in the Acadian area of Louisiana. The complex is managed and maintained by a friend of mine. This friend of mine is a construction management student at LSU and is working fulltime maintaining and improving the complex. Recently, he had cut down some trees in front of the complex, which the owner had asked him to get around to doing. But here is the kicker. He was proactive and got the trees knocked down without the “go ahead” from his boss. Apparently he had violated some construction code because he didn’t have authorization from the owners of the complex. Assuming that the owners of the complex were decent human beings (which apparently they are clearly not) this wouldn’t have been a problem. But those dirty rat bastards and their lawyers came to the conclusion that this proactive young man was in violation of code and decided to evict him from our apartment complex. And it gets better. The owners owed him 10,000 dollars in wages and material costs for his work on the complex. But due to “legalities” pertaining to him violating construction code they are not liable to pay him one penny and don’t plan on doing so.

Now don’t get me wrong; legally they are within their right not to pay him. BUT THAT’S THE MOTHERFUCKING PROBLEM! They owe him 10 thousand dollars and because of some stupid law they’re not going to give him a penny. They’ll still reap the benefits from the fruits of his labor but now he’s out of 10 grand of personal money. LEGALLY they’re not supposed to pay him but ETHICALLY he should get paid. The legal system is a farce when something like this can happen. A 22 year old college student gets screwed out of 10 thousand dollars because of some silly laws? No decent person would ever do that to another human being. Even if they aren’t legally obligated to pay him, they should pay him. And they’ve been bullying the poor kid around. They told him in not so many words “don’t even try to sue because we have family friends who are attorneys and we know you can’t afford an attorney.” Hold the bus. This is bullshit. Lawyers bitch and moan about how they like to help the average guy but they’re willingly screwing this guy, ethics aside, for their own personal gain.

Obviously lawyers aren’t the only ones to blame here. In fact, the owners of the complex are probably the people that should get the bulk of the blame. I guess I just can’t see myself working in a field that would help enable such obvious terrible ethics. Let’s here what you have to say.