Looks like the Supreme Court has decided that they WILL hear and adjudicate the case of the gun ban imposed in Washington DC.

This could become quite a landmark case, if they give a ruling about whether the 2nd amendment protects the right of ordinary people to keep and vbear arms, regardless of their military affiliation or the type of weapons (military-style or non-military style) in question.

OTOH, they might simply say that the weapons owned by the man who brought the case, are or are not protected by the 2nd, but that their ruling does NOT apply to "weapons and rights generally".

I hope they decide the former, and rule that the 2nd means exactly what it says. In modern language: "Since an armed and capable populace is necessary for freedom and security, the right of ordinary people to own and carry guns and other such weapons cannot be taken away or restricted."

Such a ruling by the highest court in the land, could eventually result in the entire house of cards built by gun-ban fanatics, tumbling down as more and more cases are brought subsequent to the ruling.



Supreme Court Will Hear D.C. Guns Case

Nov 20 02:09 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will decide whether the District of Columbia can ban handguns, a case that could produce the most in-depth examination of the constitutional right to "keep and bear arms" in nearly 70 years.

The justices' decision to hear the case could make the divisive debate over guns an issue in the 2008 presidential and congressional elections.

The government of Washington, D.C., is asking the court to uphold its 31-year ban on handgun ownership in the face of a federal appeals court ruling that struck down the ban as incompatible with the Second Amendment. Tuesday's announcement was widely expected, especially after both the District and the man who challenged the handgun ban asked for the high court review.